MMA Impact Viet Nam Virtual is part of a global series which MMA hosts across markets bringing marketers, tech enablers, agencies & the entire ecosystem under one roof to learn & discuss upcoming trends & challenges in Mobile Marketing. With a presence in more than 42 countries, the Impact has become a signature MMA property.
This year’s virtual Impact is designed to help marketers enhance & build their modern marketing capabilities which is an integral part of our theme this year, Shape The Future of Modern Marketing. It is increasingly challenging for CEO, CMOs, CTOs, CGOs, keep pace with the expectations of today’s tech-savvy, yet socially conscious, consumers as well as the evolving tech landscape. Here’s your chance to partner with us to enable the journey for the industry & leverage the opportunity of this accelerated learning over 2 full day of interesting sessions.
Lock arms with us as we #ShapeTheFuture™ of modern marketing.