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For the first time ever, CPG campaign data from three major US brands has been used to test the principle of recency, which proposes that digital advertisements are most effective right before a consumer is about to buy a product.

Joel Rubinson, MMA’s attribution SME & former Chief Research Officer at the Advertising Research Foundation, Nielsen Catalina Solutions, and Viant partnered to test this theory against three ad campaigns for three popular CPG brands.

Key Findings:

March, 2020
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MMA India with GroupM, a media investment group, has released the much anticipated Mobile Marketing Ecosystem Report (MMER) 2020.

February, 2020
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December, 2019
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The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Indonesia, released the inaugural Indonesia Mobile Ecosystem Report 2019, following the successful launch of the Mobile Ecosystem Report published in Vietnam and India. 

December, 2019
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  • Mobile Ad Fraud is amongst the top three challenges facing Vietnamese advertisers, who think they are not spending enough to combat the problem compared to the industry average.
  • The main cause is believed to be the lack of disincentives and penalties against the problem, as well as the lack of transparency due to the complex web of middlemen.
  • Vietnamese advertisers believe that they are most vulnerable towards traffic fraud whilst some claim to have been to be able to eliminate ad fraud of such categories.
December, 2019
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The Mobile Marketing Association and Decision Lab Ad Fraud report is the most essential guide for every marketer, agency, tech-provider and publisher to understand the mobile marketing ecosystem. The report marks the coming together of one of the biggest global trade associations and market research companies and this endeavour benefits all stakeholders in the business.


November, 2019

Out of Home & Mobile Compendium

Urbanity and mobility are increasing and changing media usage to a large degree. The greatest beneficiaries of this development are Out of Home (OOH) and Mobile, which, according to the OMG Preview Monitor, are the sectors with the biggest opportunities for growth in 2019. This creates new communication challenges and opportunities for companies and brands.

October, 2019
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The Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is an end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful multi-touch attribution (MTA) initiative at your organization.
October, 2019
From A Blink to A Heartbeat

MMA's First Second Strategy Checklist and Facebook's Thumbstopper Creative Best Practices are what you need to win with short video ads.

September, 2019

(August 8th, 2019) The Mobile Marketing Association in Indonesia, today announced the launch of the Ad Fraud, Brand Safety & Viewability Whitepaper, followed by an industry event in Jakarta. With the theme ‘ACT’ - Assess, Combat and Track - the series will help marketers assess their exposure to ad fraud, ways to strengthen brand safety, leverage performance marketing for ad platforms and drive accountability in mobile advertising.

August, 2019
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13.4 MB
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This report is about Turkey 2018 Mobile Ad Spending. 

May, 2019
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Data sharing is at the heart of Multi-Touch Attribution, and a necessary factor in its successful deployment.
May, 2019
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April, 2019
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According to the MMA’s most recent benchmarking survey of Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) adoption, 40% of marketers currently employ MTA, and another 33% said they plan to do so within the next year.
April, 2019

In recent years, Vietnam has become an important market for businesses. In fact, the World Bank expects the country’s GDP to grow steadily at a rate of 6-7% in 2019 and 2020.

March, 2019

To build on MMA’s commitment to science and truth, we studied the cognitive process of advertising in a mobile environment. Read the executive summary to learn more about the research and its findings, as well as the need for a First Second Strategy.

March, 2019
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March, 2019
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Attention and Cognitive Process in Mobile

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March, 2019
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Multi Touch Attribution Marketer Survey (November 2018)
November, 2018
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December, 2018
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December, 2018
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December, 2018
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December, 2018
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