Megha Thareja Tyagi, Director - Google India, shares her perspective on the changing India digital ads ecosystem, and about how marketers need to respond.
Putting user privacy first, while maintaining advertiser and publisher value
Bridging the gap between privacy and personalization
Preparing for a privacy-first ecosystem by investing in a first-party data strategy & leveraging automation and machine learning to accomplish more with less data.
How does the rest of your organization view the marketing department? If you believe it's seen as a cost center, then this session is meant for you!
Thinking of marketing exclusively in terms of costs associated with it seems dangerously misguided. But that’s exactly what happens when marketing departments aren’t geared to deliver measurable results and unable to tie marketing activities into revenue recognition.
This session aims to map the journey of how any organization can successfully transform marketing’s perception from a cost center to a value center by embracing a potent combination of marketing strategies, right tech adoption & global best practices.
There is a line in the sand for the marketing industry. January 2022. All the third-party cookies and identifiers will be removed from all digital engagement systems. The Big Tech companies are building their own proprietary mechanism to balance privacy over personalisation. Agency networks are launching identity management solutions. Publishers are launching consortiums. Industry pundits call it a rearchitecture.
This session will talk about how the distributed ledger technology helps the industry in this rearchitecture. From building and enabling new marketplaces to cross-media measurement to providing provenance of identities and impressions. Change is in the air. Are we ready?
While the majority of marketers leverage data to plan their future advertising campaigns, only one in three optimize their ads in-flight for outcomes, according to a recent study by LoopMe and Sapio. With consumer behaviour constantly changing - and with an increased focus on ad effectiveness - an outcomes-based approach that combines consumer data and real-time AI optimization is fundamental to campaign success.
Learn how to drive more impact across your digital campaigns with outcomes-based advertising.
Key Highlights:
First of its kind series that caters to showcasing today’s modern marketer’s growth frameworks.
This series brings together marketers from different sectors who will each share 10-minute perspectives on modern marketing:
At this session, attendees will learn key lessons from diverse brands on the new rules of engagement for succeeding in a post-covid world and how the implementation of modern marketing has got catalysed.
Key Takeaways:
In this Keynote session with Bret, you will learn:
Your company has lots of valuable marketing data, but it’s spread across many systems and teams. With Cloud, you can bring this data together in one place so you can better analyze and activate it. In this session, you’ll learn about new GCP tools for marketers and understand how brands are using them to solve use cases like audience segmentation, purchase prediction, and measuring lifetime value. You’ll walk away with an understanding of how to adopt technology that transforms the way your company delivers marketing campaigns and customer experiences.
Dr Fou in conversation with Dhiraj Gupta about Ad Fraud and its impact in India. How to combat this omnipresent enemy in the ever-changing complex digital medium?
Business growth and innovation remain a messy and complex set of processes in the design and implementation of effective strategies. Therefore, we seek to build an understanding, as well as practical steps, that firms can exploit through adopting our 3-step value model of future-proofing.
The model addresses the following key areas:
Renowned Futurist Faith Popcorn, CEO of Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve, shares her provocative vision of three forces reshaping consumer culture – and how your brand engages.
The session will highlight the goodness of AI solutions built on Intel Architecture and Intel’s work across the ecosystem to build and deploy local innovative AI solutions.
Indians welcomed 2021 with the hope that the worst was behind them. Instead, they are facing circumstances that are worse. Survival and emerging alive with minimal scars from the second wave have become the priority. What does this mean for marketers? How are Indian consumers coping with the pandemic – physically and emotionally? How can we, as marketers, help them rebuild their lives, confidence and support them in their journey to return to normalcy?