Milind is currently the Director leading AI accelerant team @Intel. In this role he focuses on enabling & optimizing AI software solutions for Intel Architecture. This involves working very closely with customers, software product companies, Systems integrators etc
Milind joined Intel in 2001 and was part of Intel onsite team at Microsoft, Redmond helping in improvements in the quality and performance of three generations of the Microsoft® .NET Framework for Intel Architecture. Before that he was part of onsite team Microsoft, Redmond in validating compilers and performance improvements for Intel® Architecture. He has great expertise about performance, scalability, benchmarking
Milind also served as founding member / board member and vice president for http://www.cmgindia.org which is a networking of professionals in performance engineering and capacity sizing. Milind is currently a NASSCOM Product Council member (http://www.nasscom.in/about-us/what-we-do/industry-development/product-c...) in which he leads deep tech pillar. This pillar focuses on mentoring and nurturing deep tech startups in the country which started deep tech club (http://www.nasscom.in/deeptechclub/).
Milind has degree BE in Computer Science & Engg from SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad. In his free time, he enjoys long walks, cycling, hiking and any outdoor activities and spending time with his family and friends.