MMA Impact India is part of a global series which MMA hosts across markets bringing the ecosystem of publishers, agencies, marketers and tech enablers under one roof to accelerate modern marketing practices, discuss and learn upcoming trends and challenges in modern marketing. It is held across 42 countries and has become a signature property that is poised to shape the future of modern marketing.
The circumstances of 2020 accelerated digital innovation and adoption by several years hence MMA Impact 2021 becomes the best time for us to showcase growth frameworks, opportunities in the space of digital technology. The event theme to showcase it being 'Simplify. Simplify. Amplify.' where we will highlight how modern marketing can simplify marketing endeavours with ease of access to consumer data, better measurement personalization and how with avid simplification marketers will be able to amplify the right narrative to the right user.
This year’s Impact will focus on 5 key pillars of modern marketing which are a key focus area for our councils: E-commerce, Martech, Brand Safety, Voice & Audio as well as Modern Creativity and Modern Media formats.
Learn about best-in-class growth hacks & much more at Impact!
Lock arms with us as we #ShapeTheFuture™ of modern marketing.
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