Attribution | Page 4 | MMA Global


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT

The MMA released the first ever Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map to help marketers accelerate successful implementation of the marketing measurement model of the future. The MTA Journey Map was a culmination of work developed under MMA’s marketer-led MATT initiative (Marketing Attribution Think Tank) and was created in collaboration with 25+ pioneering MMA marketer members who have deployed and experienced MTA’s impact firsthand.

MMA MTA Expert & President
Rubinson Partners, Inc.
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The MMA’s MTA Tactical Success Guide is a tool for marketers to determine their organization’s data readiness for employing Multi- Touch Attribution, discussing specific data linking strategies, the value of Unified User IDs and more. It also includes a workbook which allows marketers to examine how their own data might be used in MTA.

April, 2021

A concise reference tool that visualizes all of the data needed, giving brands a clear picture of how datasets can interact and be integrated for successful MTA execution. It is intended to be a collaborative tool for marketers, agencies, DMPs and MTA providers to use to ensure nothing gets left out of the discussion.

Specifically, it shows:

  • How aggregate data can be tied back to unified user IDs
  • The components of linkable marketing
  • How first, second and third-party data flows into creating audience segments
April, 2021
Education Section: 
January, 2021
Education Section: 

This session summarizes the six marketing growth frameworks presented as part of the series and provide strategic guidance around the pros, cons, and considerations of each.

January, 2021
Education Section: 
Members Only

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 10:30am to 11:30am EST

Exclusive MATT member session on the new Outcome-Based Marketing 2.0 (OBM2) research. Session took place on November 18th, 2020 and served as a deep-dive on the mathematics behind the framework and how to apply as an attribution practitioner.

Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) Lead
MMA Global
MMA MTA Expert & President
Rubinson Partners, Inc.
SVP – Head of Industry Research
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If your company is an MMA member and you need log-in information, please email [email protected].

November, 2020