The Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is an end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful multi-touch attribution (MTA) initiative at your organization.
The MMA Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is the first end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful MTA initiative at your organization. In order to apply MTA with success, the MMA believes a methodical journey must be followed, with distinct stages and components. Using feedback gained through Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) working groups, five distinct stages have been identified as part of the journey.
If your company is an MMA member and you need log-in information, please email [email protected].
According to the MMA’s most recent benchmarking survey of Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) adoption, 40% of marketers currently employ MTA, and another 33% said they plan to do so within the next year.
If your company is an MMA member and you need log-in information, please email [email protected].
The Mobile Marketing Association is expanding its members-only acceleration tools with our latest release, the MTA Data Acquisition RFI. This template is specifically designed to assist marketers in evaluating and securing higher quality data.
If your company is an MMA member and you need log-in information, please email [email protected].
Developed to help marketers get ahead of the curve in securing, organizing and managing quality data. Most researchers, marketers, and analytics people are not data architects, so this guide ensures that the team understands the data assets it will take to be successful with MTA. Specifically, the guide:
Provides a section-by-section explanation of considerations that should be taken in the MTA data planning process
Defines data asset types and relational structures
If your company is an MMA member and you need log-in information, please email [email protected].
A toolkit developed to guide marketers through the process of identifying, selecting and applying MTA solutions to drive their business and specifically, to tie marketing to business outcomes.