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The MMA’s MTA Tactical Success Guide is a tool for marketers to determine their organization’s data readiness for employing Multi- Touch Attribution, discussing specific data linking strategies, the value of Unified User IDs and more. It also includes a workbook which allows marketers to examine how their own data might be used in MTA.

April, 2021

A concise reference tool that visualizes all of the data needed, giving brands a clear picture of how datasets can interact and be integrated for successful MTA execution. It is intended to be a collaborative tool for marketers, agencies, DMPs and MTA providers to use to ensure nothing gets left out of the discussion.

Specifically, it shows:

  • How aggregate data can be tied back to unified user IDs
  • The components of linkable marketing
  • How first, second and third-party data flows into creating audience segments
April, 2021
Education Section: 

In this joint project between MMA Global and Neustar, we used return on ad spend (ROAS), a widely used measure of marketing success, to develop an innovative framework to help brands target a new group of consumers: the ‘movable middles.’

January, 2021
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A report that takes us through how brands & consumers in Indonesia need to adapt seamlessly in this rapidly transforming digital environment.​

Highlights :

December, 2020

MMA India, in association with mFilterIt, has published the Ad Fraud Elimination Guidelines recommending best practices to combat the challenge through collaborative endeavours of advertisers, agencies and the publishers.

This approach recommends, for the first time ever, how advertisers, agencies and publishers can collaboratively work together, implementing best practices, to combat ad-fraud collectively and holistically. Only then a trust can be ensured throughout the value chain building an effective, RoI driven, and synergetic digital advertising ecosystem.

November, 2020
Education Section: 
In October 2020, the MMA conducted a study to gain insight into how marketers are approaching the upcoming changes in IDFA and how they are preparing for the future of the ecosystem.
November, 2020
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852 KB

This whitepaper aims to explain the most important terminology, sources, and insights into which advertisers should be aware to manage successful mobile marketing campaigns. Created by the Mobile Data Quality Lab of MMA Germany the whitepaper dives into recent facts and figures around mobile usage; the role of digital identifiers on smartphones; an overview of types of data available; and specifics on location data. The whitepaper concludes with an eight-step checklist that equips marketers to put valuable advice into important practice.

November, 2020