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The Modern Marketers Guide to Leveraging Data & MarTech is an insight-packed, action-oriented playbook - An initiative by the MMA India AMMP community represented by the MarTech & Data council.

This second edition focuses on why Data and MarTech need to be looked at from the same lens to ensure that together they create great business impact.

Key takeaways:

May, 2022
Education Section: 

MMA India, a part of MMA Global, which is the world’s leading not-for-profit marketing trade body, along with GroupM unveiled its Annual Report - Modern Marketing Reckoner 2022: Building Winning Marketing Organisations. The report is a ready reckoner to enable marketers to build winning marketing organisations. It is inspired by the MMA Global report which finds that the differential in sales growth performance for firms with low and high marketing capability fit is 3X or three times.

May, 2022
Education Section: 

MMA Impact India is part of a global series that MMA hosts across markets bringing the ecosystem of publishers, agencies, marketers and tech enablers under one roof to accelerate modern marketing practices, discuss and learn upcoming trends and challenges in modern marketing. It is held across 42 countries and has become a signature property that is poised to shape the future of modern marketing. 

December, 2021

Use the Guide as a resource to help you create a brand safety and suitability strategy for your organization. If your organization already has a brand safety and suitability strategy, consult the Guide for insight to help you improve and augment it going forward. Use it to spark new ideas to help you remain informed and proactive, and continue to iteratively build on best practices in a changing landscape.

December, 2021
Education Section: 

Brand safety is in a nascent stage in India with limited awareness and very few brand custodians taking it seriously. The present brand safety guidelines are not aligned with the changing business needs where digital takes the centre stage. Brands will need to revisit their guidelines with a digital first approach. With Brand infringement increasingly becoming a gateway to brand safety issues, it cannot be ignored.There is a definite need to formalise a structured and purpose driven knowledge repository around brand safety in India.

October, 2021
Education Section: 

Over the time that WARC has carried out this survey with the MMA, the role of mobile in the arsenal of marketers has grown significantly. Today, more than two in three marketers are incorporating a mobile-first approach in their marketing. As smartphone technology becomes more and more sophisticated, marketing professionals have needed to increase both investment and focus on improving digital and mobile competences.

September, 2021
Education Section: 

Consumer journeys are becoming more complex and non-linear, and the role of digital is becoming more prominent across the journey. As a result, this festive season will require marketers to rethink their media strategies in order to be successful. 

MMA India has co-authored an exclusive playbook with GroupM and Amazon Advertising on “Decoding Consumer behaviour for Winning the 2021 Festive season”.

September, 2021
Education Section: 

This is a first of its kind industry report/playbook that deep dives into how consumer behaviour is changing across the eCommerce value chain, the report throws light on the critical aspects as below in greater detail:

  1. Market landscape
  2. Pre-purchase Trends & Insights
  3. Channel Choice
  4. Consumer Purchase Patterns
  5. Rise of Vernacular, Voice & Video

Expected Learnings

September, 2021
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This implementation playbook contains step-by-step instructions for marketers to implement the Movable Middles Growth Framework (MMGF) at their organization. This playbook is exclusive to MMA Members. Please reach out to [email protected] to learn more about membership.

August, 2021
File Size: 
8.5 MB

MMA and Culture Group are proud to share The Metaverse is the Medium, our whitepaper detailing the future of consumer engagement in the virtual realm. Read on to understand the background of the Metaverse, the Metaverse marketing ecosystem, which brands are winning, who the key players are, and how you can get involved.

The future of consumer engagement is unfolding right before us through extended and synthetic reality. What more are you waiting for?

August, 2021