Best Practices | Page 2 | MMA Global

Best Practices

As the world stands on the precipice of what has been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is our privilege at the MMA Global to present this first report in a series, resulting from our benchmark study on the state of AI application in digital transformation. A reflection of collective wisdom from our Chief Digital Officers Insight Collective (CINC), this report traces the contours of the AI landscape as seen by those at the helm of digital transformation, the Chief Digital Officers (CDOs).

June, 2023
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Consumer experience is changing rapidly and expectations are evolving, with consumers now expecting a personalized experience across every brand and channel. To adapt to this environment, organizations need to focus on acquiring consumer data and developing a robust and privacy-respecting data strategy. The power of consumer data has given rise to a multibillion-dollar industry that touches all organizations in the world.

March, 2023
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Voice technologies are now becoming an integral part of our lives-be it gathering information through voice searches, streaming music, controlling smart home appliances, or making utility bill payments through voice commands. New-age technologies like Natural Language Understanding (NLU), conversational artificial intelligence (AI), and neural text-to-speech (TTS) have helped push voice tech to the next level.

February, 2023

Featuring input from industry trailblazers, this is the most awaited and anticipated report to help marketing professionals strengthen their strategy to drive business growth in 2023. It covers topics such as CTV, Superapps and the latest MarTech trends. The research in the report is backed by solid data and analyzed by experts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

November, 2022

The report highlights conversations around responsible utilization of consumer data becoming the need of the hour. The report unravels the new age customer’s need for personalisation without compromising their need for privacy. Marketers need to put more effort into educating consumers about data usage and tracking. They need to find ways to ensure privacy is not a hindrance to providing better products and services to the consumers. Rather, how a privacy-first approach to data can facilitate consumer trust in the brand.

August, 2022
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The Modern Marketers Guide to Leveraging Data & MarTech is an insight-packed, action-oriented playbook - An initiative by the MMA India AMMP community represented by the MarTech & Data council.

This second edition focuses on why Data and MarTech need to be looked at from the same lens to ensure that together they create great business impact.

Key takeaways:

May, 2022
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MMA India, a part of MMA Global, which is the world’s leading not-for-profit marketing trade body, along with GroupM unveiled its Annual Report - Modern Marketing Reckoner 2022: Building Winning Marketing Organisations. The report is a ready reckoner to enable marketers to build winning marketing organisations. It is inspired by the MMA Global report which finds that the differential in sales growth performance for firms with low and high marketing capability fit is 3X or three times.

May, 2022
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Digital Marketing Communications Platform DPIP was established in January 2021 by the cooperation of four associations, namely Turkish Advertisers Association (RVD), Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies (RD), Interactive Advertising Bureau Turkey (IAB) and Mobile Media Research, Marketing and Advertising Association Turkey (MMA), that shape the marketing communication and advertising industry.

December, 2021
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The theme of MMA 2021 is “Shape the Future of Modern Marketing” under the today context of technology evolving, consumer being more and more tech-savvy, yet socially conscious. Covid Pandemic has make the technology landscape, consumer behavior changes accelerating with much higher speed. The current situation has been forcing us to move faster on organization restructure, business operation reinventing. The technology and marketing technology specifically is the key enabler for organization to deliver this job to be done.

December, 2021
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Brand safety is in a nascent stage in India with limited awareness and very few brand custodians taking it seriously. The present brand safety guidelines are not aligned with the changing business needs where digital takes the centre stage. Brands will need to revisit their guidelines with a digital first approach. With Brand infringement increasingly becoming a gateway to brand safety issues, it cannot be ignored.There is a definite need to formalise a structured and purpose driven knowledge repository around brand safety in India.

October, 2021
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