Winning Marketing Organizations Toolkit | MMA Global

Winning Marketing Organizations Toolkit

The report highlights conversations around responsible utilization of consumer data becoming the need of the hour. The report unravels the new age customer’s need for personalisation without compromising their need for privacy. Marketers need to put more effort into educating consumers about data usage and tracking. They need to find ways to ensure privacy is not a hindrance to providing better products and services to the consumers. Rather, how a privacy-first approach to data can facilitate consumer trust in the brand.

August, 2022
Education Section: 
May, 2022

The report is a first-of-its-kind toolkit for marketers to steer brand safety, from understanding the issue to responding to critical incidents. It will also help in answering key questions such as who is responsible for brand safety and developing a culture of brand safety to manage external and unpredictable threats to your brand. 

Key Takeaways:

May, 2022
Education Section: 

The Modern Marketers Guide to Leveraging Data & MarTech is an insight-packed, action-oriented playbook - An initiative by the MMA India AMMP community represented by the MarTech & Data council.

This second edition focuses on why Data and MarTech need to be looked at from the same lens to ensure that together they create great business impact.

Key takeaways:

May, 2022
Education Section: 

MMA India, a part of MMA Global, which is the world’s leading not-for-profit marketing trade body, along with GroupM unveiled its Annual Report - Modern Marketing Reckoner 2022: Building Winning Marketing Organisations. The report is a ready reckoner to enable marketers to build winning marketing organisations. It is inspired by the MMA Global report which finds that the differential in sales growth performance for firms with low and high marketing capability fit is 3X or three times.

May, 2022
Education Section: 

As part of the MMA’s Great Marketing Growth Debate, this research was launched to understand marketers’ application of the leading marketing growth frameworks presented as part of the series. Through this study, we aimed to explore two important questions:

  1. What is the level of marketing alignment when it comes to driving growth?
  2. How do companies approach marketing growth? 

Key Findings Include:

What is the level of marketing alignment when it comes to driving growth?

April, 2022
Education Section: 

This is a first of its kind industry report/playbook that deep dives into how consumer behaviour is changing across the eCommerce value chain, the report throws light on the critical aspects as below in greater detail:

  1. Market landscape
  2. Pre-purchase Trends & Insights
  3. Channel Choice
  4. Consumer Purchase Patterns
  5. Rise of Vernacular, Voice & Video

Expected Learnings

September, 2021

MMA and Culture Group are proud to share The Metaverse is the Medium, our whitepaper detailing the future of consumer engagement in the virtual realm. Read on to understand the background of the Metaverse, the Metaverse marketing ecosystem, which brands are winning, who the key players are, and how you can get involved.

The future of consumer engagement is unfolding right before us through extended and synthetic reality. What more are you waiting for?

August, 2021

In this joint project between MMA Global and Neustar, we used return on ad spend (ROAS), a widely used measure of marketing success, to develop an innovative framework to help brands target a new group of consumers: the ‘movable middles.’

January, 2021
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