Agenda | MMA Global


Agenda Subject to Change

Friday, October 30, 2015

8:00 AM – 9:00AM

Registration Opens

9:00 AM – 9:05 AM

Welcome Speech

Country Director Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia & Board Member Vietnam
MMA Global - APAC
Regional President

9:05 AM – 9:25 AM

MMA: Finally, We Know for Sure Mobile Marketing Works!

Results from Walmart, MasterCard, Coca cola, At&T using the MMA’s proprietary SMoX research demonstrating the impact of mobile on purchase intent, foot traffic and brand image, including insights into how to optimise your mobile budgets. The presentation will share results from SMoX and its impact on future decision making for marketers as they all face increased pressure on achieving profitable growth for their individual businesses.
CEO, MMA Global APAC | Global Head of SMARTIES WW and BOD Asia Pacific
MMA Global Asia Pacific

9:25 AM – 9:40 AM

Keynote: Role of Mobile in a Creative Economy

Smartphones become an integral part of consumers’ lives, with 70% mobile users keeping their phones with them more than 8 hours a day. Mobile has changed how business compete and operate to win consumers’ hearts in the mobile revolution. Digital savvy consumers expect a personalized and targeted brand experience, and mobility allows brands to create a deeper engagement with their target audience. With real success stories about product, sales, advertising, customer service, Mr Le Hong Minh will take us through the power to design their customer experience appropriately.
Founder, CEO
VNG Corporation

9:40 AM – 9:55 AM

No two markets are same yet they are not different

Joshua would share the dynamics of the world's two largest markets and infers on the similarities and difference between the two. The session would also provide insights on how the two media landscapes on mobile may change and share learnings from each of these markets, specially on what can Vietnam can learn from China.

9:55 AM – 10:10 AM

Leveraging Mobile To Drive Innovation and Enhance Brand Experiences

Mobile is no longer a device or channel - it is a great opportunity to create innovative experiences to connect with consumers. Lien will share approaches to driving innovation on mobile platforms and connecting with the ‘always on’ consumer across the Developing and Emerging markets.
CAO Fine Jewellery

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM

Going Mobile Now With the New Consumer

As mobile has become indispensable, everyday media consumption habits have been replaced by hundreds of fragmented interactions that occur instantaneously. Today’s battle for hearts, minds, and dollars is won (or lost) now in micro-moments—intent-driven moments of decision-making and preference-shaping that occur across the consumer journey. This keynote will delve deeper into this new model and what it means.
Country Marketing Manager, South East Asia

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Networking & Tea Break

In Partnership With:

11:00 AM – 11:20 AM

Keynote: Re.Think Mobile

Since the first real smartphone was released in 2006 we have been faced with new challenges. But are these challenges still the same in 2015 or in the next 5 years?

What changes will mobile technological developments bring to our future?

As life becomes increasingly dependent on mobile phones and tablets, we take a look at what the future holds in a mobile world.

Vizeum Asia Pacific

11:20 AM – 11:40 AM

Mobile Advertising is dead. Long live mobile advertising

Today’s consumers spend most of their time on mobile devices. But how do you maximize reach and results on mobile? This presentation will uncover key mobile advertising trends & strategies for 2015 and beyond. We will address how to reach custom audiences through targeting, how to engage audiences through the power of sight, sound and motion through video ads, and finally, why adopting native advertising on mobile will be a must for brands this year.
Managing Director, APAC

11:40 AM – 12:00 PM

Insights & Opportunities in the Mobile Age

Joe takes a deep dive into the key drivers and trends of the mobile age. Measurement, being a key driver for any growing industry, does come with its own set of challenges and opportunities. This presentation will share insights on the same as well as thoughts on the future of measurement to understand the real “what and why they buy.”
Senior Strategic Advisor

12:00 PM – 12:15 PM

State of App Nation in Asia and how to take advantage of mobile app data

Flurry from Yahoo presents the latest stats on app usage in mobile based on the 700,000 apps Flurry Analytics tracks. App growth in Asia nearly doubled last year - 98%! Dive deep into what’s driving growth in Asia app usage and how usage differs across countries.
Senior Director, Marketing (APAC) & Head of Media (INSEA)

12:15 PM – 12:45 PM

Panel: Key Principles to Becoming Mobile Capable

Different companies are at different levels of mobile capability, some have reached a level of maturity and others are finding their way on the journey. The panel will discuss what are the key common principles to becoming mobile capable using examples from their clients perspective and will give insight into how media owners can best work with agencies to build mobile insight and capability.
Managing Director
Prôvence Consumer Products Corporation
Director, Agency and Programmatic business - SEA
Managing Director
Daybreak Digital
YMT-Ads &
TBWA's Digital Art Network (DAN) Asia

12:45 PM – 1:50 PM


1:50 PM – 2:05 PM

Keynote: In-Store Mobile Shopper Marketing

Smartphones have already transformed the in-store experience, 37% shopper globally use their smartphones to access a retailer’s free Wi-Fi. Innovation in digital marketing enables brand to engage with shoppers just moments before purchase via their personal screen. Base on consumer profile , retailer and brands could offer personalised promotions/loyalty offers and therefore provide a better shopping experience. Differentiate your brand NOW with real time O2O activities .
Goldsun Focus Media

2:05 PM – 2:20 PM

Cross-Screen Intelligence Turns Mobile Moments into Effective Attributes

Consumers’ attention is now dominated by their mobile devices and yet the multi-device dynamics and the continued sophistication of cross-screen user behaviors have radically changed the methods by which advertisers communicate with their existing and potential customers. Its critical that consumer journey should be captured at every touch point and Chih-Han will share in his presentation how you can reach your customers as individuals well-timed engagements through their preferred screens with relevant and helpful content.
CEO & Co-founder

2:20 PM – 2:35 PM

Optimising mobile marketing and advertising for Vietnam

Sharing some of the best practices and case studies of the huge success of ZALO with marketers in Vietnam. The innovation and the creativity driving the leading edge transformation is key for the growth of Mobile advertising is evident in Vietnam.

2:35 PM – 2:50 PM

Banner Blindness

Smartphones have become an integral part of every firm's digital marketing strategy. However, many firms are struggling on this front, not least because of the small screen size. Banner ads are often seen as intrusive and have low click-through rates, resulting in poor brand recall. Martin Nygate will share his thoughts on how voice adverts played over the ring tone are the future of mobile marketing.
Founder & CEO

2:50 PM – 3:05 PM

Making the change to Digital and Mobile

Mark will talk about why he believes it makes sense, in Vietnam and elsewhere, to focus more on Digital & Mobile and how to enable this transition. He will share the digital changes he has driven in his current and previous roles, how he has organized for this and will showcase the business and brand impact it had via some case studies.
Consumer Marketing Director
FrieslandCampina Vietnam

3:05 PM – 3:20 PM

Application of Mobile Technology for Retail Banking

The rollout of foundational mobile services is already yielding tremendous success, and by increasing security while keeping a keen eye on user experience, leading banks and financial services providers can offer more advanced mobile services, which will play a key role in their growth strategies. The mobile banking landscape is evolving – from basic transactional services (alerts, statements, etc.) to advanced transactional services (fund transfers, bill payment, remote check deposit, P2P payment, etc.). The next generation of mobile banking is emerging, which includes services such as remote and contactless payments, location-based marketing, mobile and social media integration.
Chief Executive Officer
FE Credit

3:20 PM – 3:50 PM

Networking & Tea Break

In Partnership With:

3:50 PM – 4:05 PM

Keynote: Mobile Payment and Its Impact to Retailers in Mobile era

The transition to mobile payments is part of a much larger transition where the lives of individuals are becoming entwined with their mobile devices. In the same thought, Diep will take us through how mobile wallets can be facilitated to accelerate thousands of transaction along consumer’s shopping journey by providing information relevant for discovery and influence stages as well and to track and engage consumers beyond the purchase journey.
Executive Vice Chairman

4:05 PM – 4:20 PM

Online and Offline marketing integration and how it applies for online businesses

Developments in technology, especially the revolution of the Internet and social media, have undoubtedly shifted the focus of marketers from Traditional Marketing (offline) to Digital Marketing (online). However, what is far more important is not the channel or device, but the integrated and seamless customer experience that brand/ business delivers to their increasingly demanding customers
Country Managing Director
ZALORA Vietnam

4:20 PM – 4:40 PM

Evolution of Mobile Advertising Tools for Marketers

Mobile advertising has come a long way in a very short time. From SMS on feature phone to video ads on smartphones, we have evolved. AppsFlyer will whisk you thru the rapid growth of the industry and what tools are available to mobile marketers.
Vice President Asia

4:40 PM – 5:10 PM

Panel: The Mobile Innovation Cycle: What’s Real, What's Next, and What's Begging for Disruption

The pace of change and opportunities for marketers in mobile are continually growing. This session will delve into both organic and leapfrog growth in the changing landscape with a key focus on location, attribution, measurement beacons and other mobile technologies that are changing the way brands engage with consumers throughout the path to purchase
Regional President
Co-Founder & CEO
Vui App
General Director
Managing Director
Otsuka Thang Nutrition Company, Ltd

5:10 PM

Closing Remarks

Country Director Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia & Board Member Vietnam
MMA Global - APAC

Session topics from industry leaders on how mobile is building closer connections to consumers.


Speakers and panelists include industry heavyweights from leading brands and technology enablers.


Relax and enjoy upscale accommodations.


These events sell out fast. Secure your seat today.

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