Agenda | MMA Global


Friday, October 7, 2016



10:45 – 10:50

Welcome from MMA India

It is no longer about mobile marketing, but marketing in a mobile age. Brands who think of Mobile as just a channel dismiss the unprecedented role it is playing in their customers’ lives and diminishes the possibilities it provides for marketers. Mobile is marketing. Mobile is utility. Mobile is connection. Mobile is engagement. Mobile is transformational. Mobile is the ultimate disruptor and brands need to plan their transformation or risk being transformed.
Country Manager
MMA India

10:50 – 11:00

Welcome from MMA APAC - Connecting the Dots

With every technological advance, we become more dependent on our phones. We check them when we’re working, when we’re bored, when we’re anxious, when we’re in crowds and even when we’re alone. Smart phones play a disproportionately irrational need in our daily lives and contain all of our most personal wants and needs. We’ve become so attached to them as tools, that we’re all a bit naked without them. Which is why to innovate in mobile, marketers have underestimated a very effective and simple tool—empathy. Rohit Dadwal, MD APAC kicks open the Forum with bytes on why the focus of mobile marketing isn’t about your brand, your product, or your cause but about the user, and how their behavior is your company’s biggest tool in cracking innovative mobile marketing.
CEO, MMA Global APAC | Global Head of SMARTIES WW and BOD Asia Pacific
MMA Global Asia Pacific

11:00 – 11:25

Gearing up to serve 1 billion+ mobile consumers – India has the potential to lead!

The world is becoming flatter as a result of globalization and the exclusive western influence on global economy is already shifting and will shift drastically in next decade where 50% of top line revenue of fortune 500 companies will come from emerging markets. The most discussed topic in economic circles is “Indian Enterprises are set to witness unprecedented growth in next decade than in all of human history as India is poised to become one of the world's biggest consumer economies.” Shifting the lens inward Shivakumar will share insights on whether Indian enterprises are geared to cater to service a billion “mobile users”? How will the fast changing mobile lifestyle impact various industry sectors?
Operating Partner
Advent International

11:25 – 11:50

Success with Mobile Native Advertising

Creating Native Advertising that effectively targets niche audiences lead to increase in engagement and deliver lift in Brand Metrics, Purchase Intent and Consumer Action; Learn the astonishing degree of consumer acceptance of native ads, when done right and how to use them to create value for you and your customers.
Founder and Chairman
Veros Ventures Pte Ltd
Business Director ASEAN & India
Epic Games

11:50 – 12:10

How Brands add Value in Mobile…The Kotak Experience!

Senior Executive Vice President & Head, Group Marketing

12:10 – 12:40

Total Audience Measurement: Creating A Level-Playing Field For Mobile Marketers

Mobile is the ultimate disruptor in marketing today. Fast approaching the billion user mark in India, the mobile medium cuts through all segments of consumers and marketers. An estimated one-fifth of rural consumers access mobile phones, but not TV. Video advertising is booming through the mobile medium, and has started to take a big pie out of Television. Increasingly, mobile is becoming a part of most marketing campaigns, if not the center-piece in some, yet the total spend on mobile seems to trail viewership. This indicates a pressing need for standardized measurement for digital, and importantly a UNIFIED approach across mediums. Metrics that were created when the mobile medium was in its nascency are still in practice. Do those metrics serve equally well today? How do mobile marketers measure performance of their campaigns, when being compared to traditional media like TV? How do these mediums synergise? We discuss the advancements made in 'measuring every impression and every user on every medium', to create a level playing field for all.
President and COO

12:40 – 13:00

How Brands Add Value In Mobile?

Consumers are hungry for content. In video games, brands are in a unique position to add value that drives engagement in and around the game experience. Rajiv Dubey, Head of Media at Dabur and Rohit Sharma, Co-founder and CEO POKKT share how they developed a strategy to satisfy player excitement around their Brands and are now using mobile to maintain that connection through various levels of game plays.
Head of Media
Dabur India Limited
Founder and CEO
POKKT Mobile Ads

13:00 – 14:00

Networking Break

14:00 – 14:40

Putting the Puzzle Together: How Strategy, Data, Creative and Media Come Together to Deliver Measurable Results - Figuring out Mobile ROI

Brands are shifting more of their marketing dollars to mobile. With the increase of budgets, scrutiny into the ROI of this channel has become a priority for marketers. Learn where the state of mobile attribution is and discuss some approaches some marketers are using to tackle the issues and validate the role of mobile marketing.
Chief Marketing Officer, United Spirits Limited
Chairman, Royal Challengers Bangalore
Chief Operating Officer
Yu Televentures Ltd (Subsidiary of Micromax)

14:40 – 15:00

It Doesn’t Get More Mobile Than This

A vocal note on what defines mobile media, why proximity to purchase is so important in driving ROI and why in the age of shorter attention spans and visual overload, sound is an often overlooked, but critical component of every mobile strategy.
Co-founder, President & Chief Strategy Officer
Senior Marketing Manager(Digital) - Beverages
Pepsico India

15:00 – 15:20

Stop buying attention, start gaining it : Principles of creative excellence on mobile video!

A revolution is taking place, slowly, surely, silently as access, smartphones and consumption of content grows. Mobile and video are growing at a frenzied pace, and the intersection of these two platforms is an opportunity like none other. The bastions of media are being challenged as a new age is setting in and transforming this space like never before. Everyone is low-on-time, and even-lower-on-patience. In this fast paced arena how do you gain your audience's attention and not buy it. This session will explore key principles on mobile video which can help deliver that. With mobile video brands can earn engagement, consumer love and ultimately drive business results. 

MMA India Board Member; Vice President, Southeast Asia and South Asia Frontier
Google Asia Pacific

15:20 – 15:40

Data meets digital on the move - The New Marketer's DNA

Determining how to best apply all of the data now available can be an overwhelming task for marketers. This session is about seeing the light at the end of the “data” tunnel by quickly learning to identify useful quality data. Advances in cognitive computing are opening entire economic models to automated management. In this session, we will analyze these converging trends with respect to the radical new capabilities they will provide for marketers and the nearly imperceptible impact they will have on customers.
Chief Business Officer & President
Open Network For Digital Commerce (ONDC)

15:40 – 15:50

It’s Always About the Consumer

While smartphones get most of the attention, ~55% of mobile users in India still use feature phones. This top research executive shares some recent findings about evolving consumer behaviours and the implications for marketers.

Managing Director at Kantar & Chief Strategy Officer, Kantar South Asia

15:50 – 16:10

Networking Break

16:10 – 16:30

Mobile moves Business

In this new mobile 24x 7 age, brands need to understand the changing consumer behaviour and evolve their marketing strategies. Marketing on mobile has three important paradigms – reach, resonance & results, that every business owner must understand & plan for to get business & sales impact.
Managing Director
Facebook India & South Asia

16:30 – 16:50

Telling stories and building brands on the mobile

In a country that loves its stories and a young population that is increasingly turning to the mobile as their primary screen for these stories, how do marketers use engaged audiences to build existing brands as well as shape new behaviours?
Vice President & Managing Director, India

16:50 – 17:10

The Power of Relevance, Making Creative Connect

We talk a lot about the revolution in technology, but we’re seeing this being paralleled by a creative renaissance of equal value. Mobile devices are driving the decade’s second great revolution in consumer communications: video. And with billions of video views every day, engaging creatively is at the heart of the shift. This session, will explore creativity in a connected world, the explosion of mobile video and the implications and opportunities for brands and advertisers.
Chief Creative Officer
Lowe Lintas

17:10 – 17:30

Surviving Mobile's Rollercoaster Future An Agency Perspective

Media, Content and technology are the three most influential aspects affecting advertising and marketing landscape and to be able to harness the emerging consumer patterns and preferences, agencies must understand the shift and pay attention to market behavior when addressing the needs of their clients. This keynote addresses how a stellar group is managing the growing demand from clients and their consumers complex preference by leveraging content, data, social, e-commerce on mobile?
CEO South Asia

17:30 – 17:35

Closing Remarks

Country Manager
MMA India

18:30 – 19:30



Session topics from industry leaders on how mobile is building closer connections to consumers.


Speakers and panelists include industry heavyweights from leading brands and technology enablers.


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