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Member Press Release

Tailor-made mobile advertising and video delivery made easy

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Herndon, Virginia – May 3, 2007Dynetic Mobile Solutions, a software provider that enhances Web browsing on the mobile phone, today launched an optimized version of its mobile application development and content trans-coding platform. Called emoveo UAP™, the enhanced platform allows advertisers, media companies and content owners to create and build Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) sites and landing pages with video integration and an interface that works with all existing Web ad-serving technologies.

The software provides a professional WAP site development kit. In combination with Dynetic's universal ad-server transcoding interface, advertisers can set up mobile ad campaigns rapidly and easily. They do not need to change their existing ad serving infrastructure and are able to deliver ads and landing pages globally and with remarkably high quality.

Dynetic’s application development kit is enhanced by multimedia capabilities that enable businesses to deliver new forms of mobile advertising to handsets: streaming ads. Dynetic customers can professionally produce videos for mobiles, put a sponsor message before a video, trans-code the video automatically upon upload and deliver it as a download or a stream, depending on network bandwidth or phone capabilities.

With the help of Dynetic’s high quality device parameter database containing more than 4,400 mobile devices, advertisers can target special user groups. Dynetic’s latest project: the mobile applications provider will be the first to deliver live mobile streams for events such as the next Space Shuttle launch in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. scheduled for June to be provided by the only mobile service for space news worldwide:


Already more than 100 top customers such as eBay, AOL, Weatherbug and Musicload are relying on the emoveo UAP software to deliver global off-deck mobile web and multimedia applications. Dynetic was the first to provide a mobile video platform, which launched in Europe in 2003 and is now available in the U.S. and Asia. Lately, Clipfish – Germany’s largest mobile video community – launched a mobile service based on the Dynetic platform. Dynetic’s emoveo UAP software is known to provide the best mobile web-site rendering quality on a global scale and is used by hundreds of customers to deliver their mobile Web Sites with advertising integration.

Conversion Artist

Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc. offers an easy solution out of the parameter jungle to mobile content, service and application providers: emoveo UAP™. Using emoveo UAP™, content and applications can be converted for delivery on almost every mobile device – regardless of the format and standard used. The trans-coding occurs automatically, allowing the content to adjust to the mobile device and being displayed according to the screen size. The emoveo UAP™ software recognizes roughly 4,400 mobile devices from Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, and North America. Monthly routine updates ensure that the devices are always up to date. Even previously launched cell phones are supported. This is guaranteed by controlling around 650 different parameters. Innovation counts most: Dynetic is already testing mobile handsets’ AJAX capabilities, which enable the mobile services of the future. With emoveo UAP™, manual testing and customizing devices are no longer an issue for mobile content owners and distributors.

From Downloads to Communities to Mobile Shops

Using emoveo UAP™, enterprises can tap into the vast potential of mobile phones, whether they want to display their traditional online material in a mobile way or develop new business ideas – from mobile portals to social community sites. Dynetic consults closely with its customers and jointly develops tailor-made applications based on the emoveo UAP™ platform. Multimedia offerings like video and music can be formatted for the mobile Internet in no time at all with the Mobile Video Converter (MVC) and the Mobile Sound Converter (MSC). Digital Rights Management issues are strictly observed. From service invoices to mobile store openings, mobile payment interfaces are no problem. Mobile clients can also be set up via Dynetic technology – for Java, Symbian and BREW. In addition to mobilizing content and applications, emoveo UAP™ allows companies to broaden their advertising strategy and supplement online offers with features such as ad banners, for example. With the emoveo UAP™ Ad Server Software, live reporting allows a detailed overview on mobile advertising results.

Dynetic solutions GmbH

Dynetic is a mobile software provider that offers a unique platform for transforming any kind of mobile content for a wide range of mobile devices. Called emoveo UAP, the platform allows mobile content professionals to develop, operate and manage applications for about 4,000 devices. More than 100 companies already deliver their mobile content using the emoveo platform, including eBay, T-Mobile, AOL, weatherbug, RTL, and ADAC as well as renowned media like Der Spiegel (, and the soccer magazine Kicker ( Dynetic is based in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a subsidiary in Herndon, Virginia, and has 50 employees.



For more information:

Michael Neidhoefer

dynetic solutions GmbH

phone: +49 631-303 14-00

[email protected]

Joey Marquart


phone: + 1 212 704 8133

[email protected]



Ran Farmer

Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc.

[email protected]


Brands Find Success With Mobile Marketing When Mobile Internet Sites Are Added To Mix, Finds Trilibis Mobile

Firm’s examination of 60 campaigns shows certain features encourage consumers to participate in campaigns <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

(<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />SAN FRANCISCO) – May 1, 2007 -- Surf’s up, that’s mobile Web surfing, as Fortune 100 brands looking to reach consumers through mobile marketing are increasingly creating promotional mobile Internet (WAP) sites beyond simple SMS text-messaging campaigns, according to Trilibis Mobile.  This is due in part to increased consumer comfort with accessing mobile Web sites, faster network speeds and improved graphical displays find the report.
Trilibis Mobile, which builds mobile Web sites and destinations for brands, both on- and off-deck, is reporting strong results from brands that add WAP sites to their mobile marketing mix, compared with similar campaigns that relied only on SMS. In the past 18 months building 60 unique campaigns for a variety of brands, spanning music, sports, television and film, the company has identified features that inspire consumers to engage on a larger scale.
Specifically, Trilibis Mobile found that the most popular features (in the order of significance) were:
1. Votes/Polls when:

The poll or vote enables the user to influence the outcome of something he/she is passionate about.

The poll or vote enables the user to compare himself/herself to the overall population with respect to something he/she is passionate about.
It appeals to the user’s ability to be seen as an “expert” in the population.

Blogs led by experts in the field (such as sportswriters). In addition, if users can contribute to blogs wirelessly, the stickiness of the site is enhanced.

Branded storefronts: Branded collections of ringtones, wallpapers, call tones, etc., continue to be popular, especially as the carrier decks continue to grow in size, making the navigation to specific content more difficult.

Informational content (e.g. ) : Most effective if content is valuable when “on the go” and easily navigated.

Trivia: Particularly effective for sports and television shows, where consumers want to test their knowledge on something they’re passionate about.

Working with Sprint in 2006 to develop a mobile-centric promotional campaign for the NASCAR NEXTEL All-Star Challenge, Trilibis created a 200-page mobile portal whose focal point was the Fan Vote, which allowed voters to pick their favorite drivers. As a result of incorporating the voting feature side-by-side with other NASCAR-related content (e.g. news, expert blogs, message boards, premium content downloads and event updates), there was a 500 percent increase in wireless votes from 2005, when voting was done via SMS and not part of an integrated mobile marketing campaign.
Trilibis also noticed a similar trend when the NFL Pro-Bowl Ballot 2006 registered more than 1.95 million WAP-based votes for the AFC and NFC All-Star squads.  This was  a 200-fold increase over the previous year’s 10,000 votes, when voting was offered only via SMS. The NFL Pro-Bowl Ballot 2007 generated even more wireless votes (2.35 million), proving that WAP is a viable medium for promoting brands and interactive content via mobile.  
Nihal Mehta, CEO of Omnicom Group’s mobile agency ipsh! agrees: “The mobile Internet is finally here. Since the turn of this year, we’ve already seen a serious uptake in major Fortune 500 brands dedicating a significant portion of spend to mobile Internet presence driven by mobile media.”
About Trilibis Mobile

Founded in 2002, San Francisco-based Trilibis Mobile is a leading provider of mobile community applications and enabling technologies. With SmartPath™, its patent-pending mobile publishing solution, Trilibis enables content providers, online communities, direct marketers and other mobile service companies to create, deploy, update and manage highly-customizable, cross-platform applications and mobile Internet (WAP) compatible with all major carrier networks and hundreds of mobile handset devices.


Vijay S. Chattha
Chief Talker  
VSC Consulting
VSC = Visibility + Strategy + Creativity
Award Winning Public Relations & Digital Marketing Boutique
San Francisco | London


NEW MOTION, INC. ANNOUNCES NAME CHANGE <?xml:namespace prefix = u2 />FROM MPLC, INC.;<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


IRVINE, CA — New Motion Inc. (OTCBB: NWMO), formerly MPLC, Inc. announced today that the name of the Company has been changed from MPLC, Inc. to New Motion, Inc. and that the Company completed a 1−for−300 reverse split of the Company's common stock.  Concurrent with the reverse split, all classes of the Company preferred stock converted, on a mandatory basis, into shares of common stock.  As a result of the reverse split and the conversion of preferred stock, as of May 3, 2007, the Company has approximately 11,680,000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding.

The post−reverse−stock−split common stock of the Company began trading May 3, 2007 on the NASD Over−The−Counter Bulletin Board under the new ticker symbol"NWMO".

About New Motion, Inc.

New Motion, Inc. (OTCBB: NWMO), is a digital entertainment company providing a broad range of digital and mobile products and services to consumers.  New Motion, Inc. combines the power of the Internet, the latest in mobile technology, and traditional marketing / advertising methodologies to their brands: MobileSidewalk™, a mobile entertainment portal, RingtoneChannel, a mobile storefront provider, Bid4Prizes, a low-bid mobile auction game, and GatorArcade, a premium online and mobile gaming site.  Headed by a seasoned team of Internet, new media, entertainment and technology professionals, New Motion, Inc. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Irvine, California with a branch office in Los Angeles.  Wired Magazine recently declared New Motion’s mobile content capabilities a “rival to those of their mainstream-media counterparts,” Wireless Business Forecast named New Motion “a company to watch,” and RCR Wireless News noted that New Motion, Inc. is “gaining traction in the direct-to-consumer ring.”  For more information, please visit,,, or



Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, about New Motion.  Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts.  Such forward-looking statements, based upon the current beliefs and expectations of New Motion’s management, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from the forward looking statements.  The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements: changing interpretations of generally accepted accounting principles; continued compliance with government regulations; legislation or regulatory environments, requirements or changes adversely affecting the businesses in which New Motion engaged; demand for the products and services that New Motion provides, general economic conditions; geopolitical events and regulatory changes, as well as other relevant risks detailed in New Motion’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The information set forth herein should be read in light of such risks. New Motion assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this press release.


Company Contact

Allan Legator
New Motion, Inc.
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
(949) 777-3700   

Investor Contact
Dean Oakey
(213) 253-2282

Media Contact
Karen Strickholm
(505) 988-4401
[email protected]

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Mobile Persuasion: Perspectives on the Future of Influence

Irvine, California, April 26, 2007Mobile Persuasion, Mobile Marketing and Mobile Technology are several terms that marketers and indeed many industries will need to come to grips with rapidly as the world of advertising, media fragmentation and Web 2.0 changes before their very eyes. Consumer needs, demands and the way society lives have created an entire new platform for reaching today’s time-challenged and engaged consumers – the mobile way.

No longer simply a vehicle for sending and receiving calls and text messages, mobile technology is set to encompass the way people live – affecting everything from healthcare, social networking, activism and entertainment to spending and commerce.  Pioneers in mobile marketing, Irvine, California-based SmartReply has just signed off on its first publishing venture with <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Stanford University’s Persuasion Technology Lab to document the future of mobile technology. The result is a first-ever book covering this emerging trend, which promises to change the way people interact with retailers, organizations and communities.  Entitled Mobile Persuasion: Perspectives on the Future of Influence, the book includes an in-depth look at mobile marketing in tandem with consumer-controlled marketing, written by SmartReply’s president, Eric Holmen.

Holmen was selected by Stanford University as a contributing author for Mobile Persuasion after being chosen to speak at the university’s Mobile Persuasion conference earlier in the year. 

As the first book written about the immediate future of mobile marketing and mobile technology, Mobile Persuasion covers a lot of unchartered territory. With the full capabilities of mobile marketing and the plethora of its applications yet to be adopted or even fully grasped by many brand owners and marketers, Holmen’s contribution is an enlightening and educating read. In his chapter entitled “The Four Pillars of a Successful Mobile Marketing Vision”, Holmen sets out to explain in straightforward terms the future and many possibilities of mobile marketing, and the subsequent impact not only in terms of traditional marketing, i.e., selling products to customers, but also the social interaction and networking capabilities.

Mobile marketing promises to be the catalyst that makes customer communication real-time, anywhere, economical and engaging. At the same time, marketers need to be thoughtful and avoid the errors of previous new mediums,” says Holmen. “Over the next few years, we’re going to see a measurable impact to the way marketers relate to consumers, following the trajectory of customer controlled and permission marketing. Dr. BJ Fogg, Ph.d. of Stanford’s Mobile Persuasion Lab has taken the promise of the mobile phone’s impact very seriously, and it’s both an honor and a privilege to be part of this publication with Stanford University, and for being regarded as a pioneer and expert on this emerging trend.”

SmartReply is one of several leaders in mobile technology who have contributed to the book, which is due for release by Stanford University’s publisher at the end of April 2007.

For media inquiries, please contact Vanessa Horwell at 786.206.7883 or [email protected].

About SmartReply
SmartReply's voice and mobile messaging solutions have created breakthrough-marketing results for leading retailers throughout the United States and Canada. As the only voice and mobile messaging company dedicated to meeting the unique marketing challenges and objectives of retail executives, SmartReply's clients now have the proven ability to increase store traffic, lower marketing cost and strengthen brand affinity. Because of this, SmartReply is the provider of choice for more than 80 major regional and national retailers. Headquartered in Irvine, California, more information for partners and clients can be found at or by calling (800)-785-6769.

Press Contact

Vanessa Horwell
Strategic Vantage for SmartReply
[email protected]


(Burlingame, Calif.) – April 25, 2007 – Mobile pioneer Limbo 41414™ announced today that it has secured $8 million in new financing from Azure Capital Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and New Enterprise Associates (NEA) to continue fueling Limbo's aggressive growth and plans to deliver an expanded array of mobile and online entertainment services to consumers and marketers.

“We’re very excited to have NEA lead our latest round of financing,” said Jonathon Linner, chief executive officer and co-founder of Limbo 41414. “NEA will bring great consumer and mobile experience to our team of world-class investors. We look forward to leveraging that expertise as we continue to expand our offerings.”

“Limbo 41414 offers a compelling, effective medium for advertisers to reach the more than 230 million mobile phone users in the United States and Canada,” said Peter Sonsini, of NEA who will also join Limbo 41414’s board of directors. “We look forward to participating in Limbo 41414’s new initiatives and in its continued success in mobile entertainment.”

The brainchild of serial mobile entrepreneurs Rob Lawson, Jonathon Linner and Juho-Pekka Virolainen, Limbo 41414 has created a web and mobile-entertainment product – the Limbo Auction – that offers marketers a uniquely effective way to target and engage audiences with brands. And the innovative nature of the patent-pending Limbo Auction product is helping marketers break through the clutter in a positive manner as users play an average of 60 times per month.

Limbo 41414 has attracted hundreds of thousands of unique mobile and online users and has awarded more than 650 Limbo Auction winners with over $530,000 in prizes. Limbo 41414 winners have purchased such luxury items as a Hummer H3 for $36.65, a Mini Cooper for $50.43, and a year’s supply of gasoline and a plasma TV for $54.24 and $8.85, respectively.  

To learn more about Limbo 41414, the Limbo Auction, and to see all of the current Limbo Auctions, visit

About Limbo 41414
Limbo 41414 ( <> ) is defining a new category of web and mobile entertainment with its patent-pending interactive gameplay. Limbo 41414 brings consumers an engaging, community-driven gaming experience while delivering exposure to leading brands and media companies through branded prizes. The award-winning company is headquartered in Burlingame, California, Limbo 41414 is a private corporation backed by three of the world’s top venture capital funds: Azure Capital Partners (, Draper Fisher Jurvetson ( <> ), and New Enterprises Associates (

Limbo 41414's engaging Limbo Auction game can be played online at and through all major U.S. mobile operators, including Alltel, Amp'd, Boost, Cincinnati Bell, Cingular, Dobson, Nextel, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, and Virgin Mobile USA, in addition to Canadian giants Aliant Mobility, Bell Mobility, Fido, MTS Mobility, Rogers Wireless, SaskTel Mobility, TELUS Mobility, and Virgin Mobile Canada.

About NEA
New Enterprise Associates (NEA) is a leading venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs create and build major new enterprises that use technology to improve the way we live, work, and play. Since its founding in 1978, the firm has followed the same core principles: supporting its entrepreneurs, providing an excellent return to its limited partners, and practicing its profession with the highest standards and respect. NEA focuses on investments at all stages of a company’s development, from seed-stage through IPO. With approximately $8.5 billion in committed capital, NEA’s experienced management team has invested in over 550 companies, of which more than 155 have gone public and more than 220 have been acquired. NEA has <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. offices in Reston, Virginia, Menlo Park, California, and Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, New Enterprise Associates (India) Pvt. Ltd. has an office in Bangalore, India, and New Enterprise Associates (Beijing) Ltd. has offices in Beijing and Shanghai, China. For additional information, visit <>

Media Contact
Stacy Geagan Wagner
Limbo 41414 (650) 235-5980 [email protected]<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


SWISS TXT chooses Dynetic's emoveo UAP™ software to deliver a multi-channel-platform for mobile portals

BIEL, SWISS – SWISS TXT, a subsidiary of SRG SSR idée suisse, chooses Dynetic’s emoveo UAP™ software to deliver a multi-channel-platform for mobile portals supporting video, audio and text content as well as advertising. SWISS TXT is primarily specialized in production, publishing and sales of converted, multilingual content for several media and is one of the leading content provider in Switzerland.

SWISS TXT creates with emoveo UAP™ a scalable mobile platform which satisfies all needs of business customers and end-users of SWISS TXT. Based on this latest technology, SWISS TXT plans, develops and manages mobile portals and multimedia services for diverse applications in highest quality.

"The Dynetic platform extremely simplifies the development our projects in the mobile area and leads to faster realization of our customer projects", says Urs Luginbühl, head of multimedia solutions at SWISS TXT. "Now we are able to develop mobile applications for all media formats. The emoveo UAP™ software perfectly supports the optimization, the customization, transformation and delivery of any content type."

"We are happy to deliver SWISS TXT a complete end-to-end solution which allows them to cover and offer all possibilities and media of mobile services with our software”, says <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Michael Neidhöfer, CEO of Dynetic." emoveo UAP™ makes it possible that SWISS TXT is able to develop mobile applications in a flexible and efficient way, deliver them and bring them to the market at the same time with advertising or premium services”.

For more information:
Michael Neidhoefer
dynetic solutions GmbH
phone: +49 631-303 14-00
[email protected]

Joey Marquart
phone: + 1 212 704 8133
[email protected]

Ran Farmer
Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc.
[email protected]

The co-pilot in the pocket: dynetic adapts Frankfurt Messe information portal for mobile phones

Herndon, Virginia -- April 17, 2007Visitors of trade shows at Frankfurt Messe, Germany , are now able to catch up on exhibitor and product information whenever and wherever they want. Dynetic Solutions created a mobile version of the organizer's Business Matching Portal named Productpilot. The content of the web based database can now also be accessed from mobile devices at The implementation is based on Dynetic's emoveo UAP™ software.

At trade shows, information has to be available as soon as possible. In which hall is the exhibitor located with whom I have the next meeting? Who is the right contact person? Visitors of Frankfurt Messe can already look it up in Productpilot. So far, websites have not been displayed as perfectly on cell phones due to the small size of the display or the download times. Being an international location, it was also important for Frankfurt Messe to ensure that Productpilot is shown identically on all mobile phones, including those not available in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Europe, for instance.

With, these challenges belong to the past. Dynetic Solutions optimized the online portal for the display on PDAs and mobile phones. The menu structure matches the display's size of mobile devices, enabling fast and error free access to the information needed. Starting imd-2007, users will get the chance to create a personal profile. Besides an address book, this will include a calendar and messaging function as well as news services to be set up according to the user's interests. In addition, there will be a topical search function. The future integration of audio and video offerings is possible as would be mobile advertising.

The mobile Productpilot is based on Dynetic's emoveo UAP™ software. The technology transforms all types of web content for delivery to mobile devices. The highlight: The software identifies more than 4,000 different devices, texts and images are automatically customized according to the size of the display of PDA or mobile phone. emoveo UAP™ supports nearly all multimedia formats and mark-up languages.

For more information:
Michael Neidhoefer
dynetic solutions GmbH
phone: +49 631-303 14-00
[email protected]

Joey Marquart
phone: + 1 212 704 8133
[email protected]

Ran Farmer
Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc.
[email protected]

News, Email and Movie Listings Get Easier to Navigate on the Mobile Phone for freenet Subscribers

Dynetic Develops Mobile Portal for freenet

Herndon, Virginia -- April 17, 2007 – Dynetic Mobile Solutions, a software provider that enhances Web browsing on the mobile phone, today announced that freenet, an Internet telecommunications company, will use its platform to deliver easier surfing on the mobile handsets of freenet subscribers. News, stock exchange listings and current movie schedules will all be transformed to fit the screen size of a mobile phone with freenet’s  optimized mobile portal. The new portal, built on Dynetic’s platform, allows visitors of to access a variety of services including email access, price checks or the soccer live ticker – all depicted clearly in the respective phone’s display with size-appropriate structure and menu navigation. The emoveo UAP technology from Dynetic, which specializes in converting Web content for the mobile Internet, was used to realize this project.

The new mobile portal is part of freenet’s plan to offer customers affordable rates and innovative products. It is accessible to everybody, not just freenet customers. Rather than adapt content uniformly from the freenet Web site for the, all services have been selected based on their benefits for the mobile user. For example, visitors won’t have to sift through multiple freenet Web pages to find news, search for the movie listings or TV listings or download ring tones, logos, and games for their handset – only the most relevant material for the mobile user is transcoded for the mobile site.

“The mobile Internet will become a huge growth market within the next few years. We are concentrating our efforts to deliver Internet applications like music downloads, email or online shopping on mobile handsets. However, we will only reach consumers if the product is user-friendly and affordable”,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

describes Gregor Poniewasz, head of the portal unit of freenet AG, the mobile portal’s future. “For the technological realization of the mobile portal we decided to use Dynetic since the company is a leader in this area. Dynetic has convinced us with their expertise and experience regarding mobile Internet and has fulfilled our high expectations and ambitious goals.”

“We are pleased that Dynetic has been chosen to realize this comprehensive mobile portal for freenet,” said Michael Neidhöfer, CEO of Dynetic. “Our software guarantees freenet a high quality when delivering mobile content. We will of course support the newest technologies – now and in the future.”

Dynetic‘s emoveo UAP technology coverts almost all content for display on mobile handsets, including text, pictures, movies and sound. The automatic  transcoding feature of emoveo allows content to assimilate itself to the mobile device and is shown according to display size. Using emoveo, companies can profit from the enormous potential of mobile phones and PDAs – for mobilizing their traditional online presence or developing new business ideas, from a mobile portal to a social community site.

freenet AG
freenet AG is one of the leading Internet and telecommunications providers in Germany. In March 2007, the listed company gained additional power by the merger of AG with mobilcom AG – as it is now able to offer a mix of Internet, fixed-line telephony and mobile telecommunications. freenet AG combines the expertise of the mobile telecommunications company mobilcom with the deep know-how of Internet and fixed-line provider AG, the former mobilcom subsidiary.

dynetic solutions GmbH
Dynetic is a mobile software provider that offers a unique platform for transforming any kind of mobile content for a wide range of mobile devices. Called emoveo UAP, the platform allows mobile content professionals to develop, operate and manage applications for about 4,000 devices. More than 100 companies already deliver their mobile content using the emoveo platform. Dynetic is based Kaiserslautern, Germany with a subsidiary in Herndon, Virginia, and has 45 employees.

For more information:
Michael Neidhoefer
dynetic solutions GmbH
phone: +49 631-303 14-00
[email protected]

Joey Marquart
phone: + 1 212 704 8133
[email protected]

Ran Farmer
Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc.

[email protected]

Dynetic Enhances the eBay Experience for Mobile Users with New Platform

New eBay mobile application launched in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />US and Europe ensures best customer experience on mobile.

KAISERSLAUTERN, GERMANY – March 26, 2007 – Dynetic Mobile Solutions, a mobile platform provider that transforms and optimizes any kind of application for a wide range of devices, today announced that eBay has selected its technology platform to build the new eBay mobile application. The application will be available for download on eBay and on selected carriers across Europe and the US. Vodafone will also pre-load the application on selected handsets.

The client application is based on Dynetic’s emoveo UAP software and provides eBay customers with a rich experience to access eBay, search, browse, fond deals and bid on auctions or purchase fixed price items. The solution is the latest milestone in the collaboration between Dynetic and eBay.

“eBay users want to access eBay all the time. They will never miss the end of an auction.”, says Henri Moissinac, Head of eBay mobile,. “Thanks to Dynetic, we made the eBay mobile application fun and easy to use.”

“We are excited that eBay is using our technology to give customers an improved experience on mobile,” says Michael Neidhoefer, chief executive officer of Dynetic. “This new mobile application complements to mobile WAP portal and SMS alert system Dynetic had already built for eBay.”

The mobile portal, which can be accessed through the phone’s Web browser, has been available since 2003. With Dynetic’s new high-end Java client, the end consumer will experience a clearly structured interface that is easier to navigate and matches the phone’s display size. An “eBay” option will also join the fixed menus of several new mobile handset models. This makes it easier to participate in an auction, search for products or view articles. In addition, the eBay customer will receive real-time alerts when his auction is finished or his offer is outbid. Saved search results can be accessed at a later date without an Internet connection.

Manual testing of new mobile devices will no longer be necessary with Dynetic’s emoveo platform, which automates the software update to a real-time system as opposed to the manual process which was used on a monthly basis.

Dynetic’s eBay mobile Client will be available for users in North America and Europe in April.

Dynetic has been a collaborator in ebay’s mobile strategy since 2003 – for more than ten countries worldwide. The mobile portal is available for users in Belgium, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Austria, Spain, and the USA. Customers in Ireland, Switzerland and Canada will be able to access the client later this year. In 2006, Dynetic also developed a mobile bidding client for eBay via SMS.

Dynetic Mobile Solutions, Inc.
Dynetic is a mobile software provider that offers a unique platform for transforming any kind of mobile content for a wide range of mobile devices. Called emoveo UAP, the platform allows mobile content professionals to develop, operate and manage applications for about 4,000 devices. More than 100 companies already deliver their mobile content using the emoveo platform. Dynetic is based in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a a subsidiary in Herndon, Virgina, and has 45 employees.

For more information:

Michael Neidhoefer
dynetic solutions GmbH
phone: +49 631-303 14-00
fax:     +49 631-303 14-14
[email protected]

Joey Marquart
phone: + 1 212 704 8133
fax:     +1 212 704  0129
[email protected]

TiVo Launches Remote Scheduling with Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless and TiVo Allow Subscribers to Schedule TV Recordings through Verizon Wireless Phones


Alviso , Calif. and Basking Ridge , N.J. — TiVo (NASDAQ: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />TIVO), the creator of and a leader in television services for digital video recorders (DVRs), and Verizon Wireless, owner of the nation's most reliable wireless network, today announced the availability of TiVo® Mobile scheduling, a downloadable application available only through Verizon Wireless. TiVo Mobile scheduling allows subscribers to purchase the mobile service through select Verizon Wireless handsets and schedule recordings on their Series2™ or Series3™ TiVo boxes.

TiVo and Verizon Wireless bring consumers the convenience of scheduling television recordings while away from the living room. Whether you are away from home or discussing TV at the water cooler, all that is needed is a select Verizon Wireless Get It Now®-enabled handset to schedule recordings on your TiVo box.

"TiVo continues to transform and revolutionize the way people control and watch television," said Jim Denney, vice president of product marketing at TiVo. "TiVo Mobile scheduling gives Verizon Wireless customers unprecedented control of their television experience and provides that control wherever they are."

Ryan Hughes, vice president of digital media for Verizon noted, "TiVo built its reputation by making television relevant to its customers, while Verizon Wireless built and maintains the nation's most reliable wireless network. This innovative service adds a new layer of relevance and immediacy, so even when they're thousands of miles away from their televisions, TiVo subscribers can program their favorite shows."

TiVo Mobile scheduling uses the award-winning TiVo interface to give subscribers the ability to easily search for and browse through listings to find shows that they want to record. Subscribers to the TiVo Mobile scheduling service will also have access to premium entertainment content that is updated daily, including a customizable channel lineup, the most popular and most recorded shows and a current list of recommendations from TiVo.

TiVo Mobile scheduling is available for $1.99 monthly access on select Get It Now-enabled phones, including the Samsung SCH-a950, Chocolate by LG and LG VX8300. For more information about Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go to

TiVo selected Seattle-based Action Engine Corporation (, a leading mobile software provider, to develop the TiVo Mobile scheduling service.

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About Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless operates the nation's most reliable wireless voice and data network, serving more than 59 million customers. The largest US wireless company and largest wireless data provider, based on revenues, Verizon Wireless is headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 65,000 employees nationwide. The company is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD). Find more information on the Web at To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at

About TiVo Inc.
Founded in 1997, TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO) pioneered a brand new category of products with the development of the first commercially available digital video recorder (DVR). Sold through leading consumer electronic retailers, TiVo has developed a brand which resonates boldly with consumers as providing a superior television experience. Through agreements with leading satellite and cable providers, TiVo also integrates its full set of DVR service features into the set-top boxes of mass distributors. TiVo's DVR functionality and ease of use, with such features as Season Pass™ recordings, WishList® searches and TiVo KidZone have elevated its popularity among consumers and have created a whole new way for viewers to watch television. With a continued investment in its patented technologies, TiVo is revolutionizing the way consumers watch and access home entertainment. Rapidly becoming the focal point of the digital living room, TiVo's DVR is at the center of experiencing new forms of content on the TV, such as broadband delivered video, music and photos. With innovative features such as, TiVoToGo™ and online scheduling, TiVo is expanding the notion of consumers experiencing "TiVo, TV your way." The TiVo® service is also at the forefront of providing innovative marketing solutions for the television industry, including a unique platform for advertisers and audience measurement research. The company is based in Alviso, Calif.

TiVo, TiVoCast, 'TiVo, TV your way.' Season Pass, WishList, TiVoToGo and the TiVo Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. and its subsidiaries worldwide. ©2007 TiVo Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />