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Public Research

India’s mobile app market is growing at breakneck speed, with mobile gaming platforms increasingly commanding a substantial share of the advertising pie. MMA in partnership with POKKT, India’s and SEA’s leading smartphone advertising platform for mobile games, has released a report, titled ‘The Power of Mobile Gaming in India’, offering the latest data and insights on mobile gaming trends in the country. The report was released in collaboration with Kantar IMRB.

With over 250 million mobile gamers, India has emerged as one of the top 5 gaming countries, globally. Having already reached 269 million users as of 2018, the mobile gaming segment in India has registered phenomenal growth, with the number expected to rise to 368 million by 2022. The report further reveals that three out of four Indian gamers play mobile games at least a twice a day, for an average of 60+ minutes, each day. Mobile gaming is also quite prevalent in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, with similar amounts of time spent on gaming by users in these regions.

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This holiday season, retail spending, both online and in-store, could reach new heights. The latest Consumer Confidence Index numbers, which measure consumer sentiment towards buying intentions, haven’t been this high since October 2000, eighteen years ago.

To understand how and when retailers plan to reach holiday shoppers, we surveyed over 260 owners and managers of small-to-medium businesses in the United States. Find insights on:

  • Where SMBs will spend their holiday ad dollars
  • The influence of geotargeting
  • Which digital channels will get the most attention
  • Holiday ad spending trends 

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Year In Search Report
What Google Search Told Us About User Behavior Online in India


Spurred by affordable data and smartphones, India is coming online at an unprecedented pace. It’s estimated that by 2020, more than 650M people in India—double the population of the United States—will be connected to the internet.1 As more and more people in India discover the internet and its applications, it's fast weaving into the fabric of everyday life—and a significant portion of the online population is turning to search to look for information and to find answers.

Spanning 11 verticals, the annual Year in Search India report delves into consumer behaviors to uncover what’s top of mind for them and the implications this has for marketers. To find out more download the report. 



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Changes in consumers' communications behaviors are driving the evolution of the applicationto-person (A2P) mobile messaging market. For the moment, SMS remains a key mobile communications channel for enterprises to reach consumers and employees. It is inexpensive, universally available on devices, reliable, and quick.
The distinctive qualities of SMS make it attractive to multiple industry verticals, including retail, media, Internet, telecoms, banking and finance, and travel and hospitality. In addition, OTT communications apps have become one of the largest enterprise users of SMS, the service that they were intended to replace, primarily for user authentication and verification. Other use cases for SMS broadly cover communications, transactions and payments, and content distribution.

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S4M and IPSOS infographic on mobile advertising

S4M, a mobile programmatic platform, released a study, “In-App Mobile Advertising Impact” in partnership with IPSOS, a leading research company based in France with representation in 88 countries focused on understanding consumer behaviour. The study evaluates how advertisers should invest in mobile campaigns to attain the best results.

The in-app environment is a context inherently less favourable for advertising. Findings from the study show that both interstitial and MPU formats are efficient and persuasive for the brand. Nearly 500 respondents were surveyed for this study 2 weeks after being exposed to a mobile advertising campaign. The interstitial is a full screen format that leaves a longer lasting brand impression. The MPU is a strict format to deliver but is found to boost brand opinion among exposed consumers.

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Marketers today have seemingly unlimited options when it comes to building, targeting and delivering a campaign. Amid all of these options, marketers are still trying to answer the age-old question: Is my advertising actually working? Location data has quickly emerged as a powerful solution to tie together signals across channels, it helps marketers measure in-store footfall. Footfall attribution analysis enables marketers to see how their audience is reacting to a campaign in the physical world.

The whitepaper will take a closer look at how marketers can implement key footfall metrics and leverage attribution into their campaign analysis and strategic planning. Among the report's key highlights:

- The power of high quality location data to answer marketers' most pressing questions.

- Footfall attribution benchmarks by advertising vertical.

- Consumers' footfall trends, offline behaviors, and brand loyalty by advertising category.

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The concept of ‘mobile first’ is no longer exclusive to technology-focused businesses and consumers, but is the default position for a growing number of internet users, who now consider smartphones and tablets essential to their daily lives. In this report, we examine key mobile behaviours that have propelled it to a primary platform, using 9 global markets (USA, Canada, UK, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, China and Indonesia) to demonstrate pockets of intense usage within a mobile hierarchy of needs. Download the report to learn more about how you can succeed in a mobile-first world:

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The use of mobile proximity targeting for retail customer acquisition grows in scale and sophistication each year. Techniques span from standard geofencing to complex campaigns that combine multiple location signals, such as lat/long, wifi, and beacons, as well as layering real-time and retargeting engagements. In this 45-minute webinar, inMarket and Reveal Mobile shed light on best practices for using location in retail, present case studies from world-class advertisers such as Starbucks and analyze the status and quality of location data available to the retail industry. Readers will have a clearer picture of the current status of the industry, detailed knowledge of the infrastructure deployed throughout the US, and a gameplan for creating, calculating and increasing ROI. Presenters: Cameron Van Peebles, CMO, inMarket Matthew Davis, VP Marketing, Reveal Mobile

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Integrated TV+Mobile

Advertising today has moved well beyond traditional, offline strategies towards a highly integrated approach that combines traditional channels with the power of digital marketing. And for brand marketers, while TV remains the primary channel to drive reach, digital is increasingly being used to influence mid and end-funnel metrics, with mobile marketing playing a significant but as yet, under-utilized role. 

It is this lack of focus on mobile that InMobi, in partnership with MMA is seeking to change. And the last few years of collaboration between InMobi and MMA, have succeeded in bringing about greater acceptance for the role that mobile plays in integrated campaigns, with brands leading the way. 

However, although brand marketers have started employing mobile, the perception does remain that it doesn’t integrate well with other traditional campaign channels, leading to a lack of focus on mobile-first creative strategy. Mobile creatives employed by brands continue to be adapted from TV or print campaigns, instead of being designed to leverage the unique capabilities that the channel provides. 

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InMobi's 2016 Yearbook shares with you highlights from 2016 that captures the key trends and developments that shaped the mobile advertising industry this past year. Advertisers and publishers alike can now create a winning game plan for 2017 equipped with powerful trends gleaned from InMobi's vast network, award winning creatives and deep insights from industry leaders.

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