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November, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT

The MMA released the first ever Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map to help marketers accelerate successful implementation of the marketing measurement model of the future. The MTA Journey Map was a culmination of work developed under MMA’s marketer-led MATT initiative (Marketing Attribution Think Tank) and was created in collaboration with 25+ pioneering MMA marketer members who have deployed and experienced MTA’s impact firsthand.

MMA MTA Expert & President
Rubinson Partners, Inc.
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December, 2019
Education Section: 
The Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is an end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful multi-touch attribution (MTA) initiative at your organization.
October, 2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST

The MMA Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Journey Map is the first end-to-end guide on how to launch a successful MTA initiative at your organization. In order to apply MTA with success, the MMA believes a methodical journey must be followed, with distinct stages and components. Using feedback gained through Marketing Attribution Think Tank (MATT) working groups, five distinct stages have been identified as part of the journey.

MMA MTA Expert & President
Rubinson Partners, Inc.
Presented by:
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Data sharing is at the heart of Multi-Touch Attribution, and a necessary factor in its successful deployment.
May, 2019
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According to the MMA’s most recent benchmarking survey of Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) adoption, 40% of marketers currently employ MTA, and another 33% said they plan to do so within the next year.
April, 2019