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La compañía reconocida por sus estudios e innovación en el mundo publicitario digital, da a conocer cinco variables clave que deberán ser tomadas en cuenta a la hora de diseñar estrategias exitosas en 2024.

With conflicting recommendations and marketer practices about advertising impression allocation approaches (ie ‘the media strategy’), from approaches centred on reach (‘go broad’) versus targeting (‘get specific’), the debate rages on: ‘Are marketers targeting too much, not enough, or simply targeting the wrong consumers with their advertising?’

January, 2024
In collaboration with AppsFlyer, MMA Global embarked on a thorough benchmarking study to explore the complex landscape of Data Privacy. Engaging 150 senior marketers across various sectors, the study provides a view of the current state and future trajectory of Data Privacy and introduces a new comprehensive framework to approach privacy as a source of competitive advantage.
January, 2024