travel | MMA Global


The holiday season is one of the biggest travel periods of the year, as people travel near and far to celebrate with loved ones. InMarket’s 2022 Holiday Travel InSights report contains key survey data on just how travelers plan to spend the holiday season. 


Download the report and find out insights like:

  • How inflation is impacting consumers’ travel plans.
  • How much Thanksgiving and December travelers plan to spend on their holiday travel.
  • How far consumers plan to travel for the Thanksgiving and December holidays. 
  • And more!

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The world of travel and hospitality is changing rapidly, bringing with it new challenges for marketers  Choosing the best way to communicate with your customers, within budget, and with the ability to measure ROI, are critical to ensure effective consumer engagement

To stand out in the crowded travel marketing space and excite its target audience, Marriott needed to try something different. Beeby Clark+Meyler helped them achieve this by tapping into the ubiquitous smartphone itself as a secret marketing weapon. Our strategy: surround the traveler with a plea from his smartphone. The phone "pitched" the traveler on the benefits of getting the new free Marriott mobile app, and getting them both a vacation.


- Serve the needs of on-the-move users
- Drive mobile traffic and conversions

- Built a mobile-specific site
- Invested in Click to Call search ads

- Mobile now comprises 10% of all online visitors
- Mobile conversions are increasing 10% each month
- 81% of mobile visitors are from Google Mobile Ads

Swipeable Gallery ad format for tablets

GOALS - Introduce Chongqing, a new Asian destination - Test tablet as a supporting vehicle to drive sales - Expand sales to Asian destinations

BuzzCity research reveals the rise of the constantly connected traveller

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16 million Americans will book Travel via mobile this year. Learn about these insights and more as xAd dives deeper into mobile and the travel industry.
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