trends | MMA Global


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La compañía reconocida por sus estudios e innovación en el mundo publicitario digital, da a conocer cinco variables clave que deberán ser tomadas en cuenta a la hora de diseñar estrategias exitosas en 2024.

As the dawn of a New Year unfolds, founders and entrepreneurs find themselves at the precipice of innovation and evolution. The landscape of marketing is ever shifting, evolving, demanding a keen eye for emerging trends and a proactive approach to stay ahead of the curve.

In the realm of performance and content marketing, the winds of change are blowing strong, and as the founder of a dynamic enterprise, it is imperative to not only ride these winds but also harness their power for unprecedented success.

Just published on Think with Google - Google's "Year in Search" retrospective highlights the moments that defined 2016. Not only does search activity demonstrate how consumers turn to Google, it also provides valuable insights for marketers—especially as they set their road maps for 2017.

ScanLife releases its Q4 2011 ScanLife Trend Report, which looks at the busiest quarter of the year for mobile barcodes, and draws comparisons between 2011 and 2010. The data in this report was pulled from the ScanLife Reporting Platform; it represents traffic from both two dimensional barcodes (i.e. QR Codes) and UPC barcodes. The report shows that the momentum gained over the last two years shows no signs of abating, with Q4 2011 seeing more scans than all of 2009 and 2010 combined. It also includes data about user demographics, marketer adoption, and media placement.