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Mobile has forever changed the way people shop. A shopper's smartphone is there for them anytime, anywhere in countless micro-moments. The question for retailers is: Are you prepared to meet these shoppers in the moments that matter most? Explore this guide—full of new research on consumer trends—to find out how to be there and be useful in this new digital landscape.

July, 2016
Education Section: 
Viewability Project Background and Data Analysis Addendum

MRC’s overarching goal when developing industry standards for media measurement is to develop metrics that can be widely used across the industry to facilitate better “apples to apples” metrics comparisons, both within and across media types. These standardized metrics are not necessarily designed to result in the exclusion of any other possible metrics, but having commonly defined metrics allows for consistency in reporting and analysis, and serves as a baseline under which all users of the data may operate with a common understanding.

July, 2016
Education Section: 
Mobile Viewable Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines

The Mobile Viewable Advertising Impression Measurement Guidelines document that follows is intended to provide guidance for the measurement of viewable impressions in Mobile Web and Mobile In-Application (In-App) environments.

July, 2016
Education Section: 
June, 2016
File Size: 
56 KB
Education Section: 
Members Only
Marketing in a Mobile World: Five Discussion Topics for Companies Wrestling with a World Gone Mobile

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When four hundred marketers, representing $66 billion in media spend, come together to discuss marketing in a mobile world, there are bound to be some major learnings, and that was the case at the Mobile Marketing Assocation’s Marketing Leadership Forum, which was held on May 10 - 11, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square.

June, 2016
Education Section: 
Members Only
Five Things Marketers Need to Know About Mobile Programmatic

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Signaling that the rise of programmatic buying in mobile is equally as dramatic as its ascension in other forms of digital media, the Mobile Marketing Association’s first-ever Automation and Programmatic Forum studied not only its growth, but the ramifications that growth has for mobile. The Forum brought together several hundred practitioners from brands, publishers, agencies and technology providers.

April, 2016
Education Section: 
Members Only
Mobile Shopper Marketing Webinar Summary

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In a first-of-its-kind effort to launch an industry initiative, the MMA featured a subject matter expert to enlighten and inspire MMA members who have joined this new program. Walmart’s Senior Director Shopper Marketing, Matthew Parry, offered industry data and his insights on great marketing and great customer experiences, both of which are the primary goals of great brands and great retailers.

The webinar, entitled “Mobile Shopper Marketing and the Impact on the Path to Purchase” covered the following:

April, 2016
Education Section: 
MMA Internet of Things Connected Objects Working Group Strategic Framework v1.2

The MMA IoT Connected Objects Working Group seeks to help brands see the possibilities and understand the strategic implications of extending their mobile marketing initiatives through connected objects. 

April, 2016
Education Section: 
The Smarties 2016 Official Submission Kit
April, 2016
File Size: 
598 KB
Education Section: 
Mobile Application Advertising Measurement Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to cover the measurement and disclosures related to dynamic, inapplication advertisements that appear on mobile devices. These guidelines are not intended at this time to cover the following: hard-coded advertising, or sponsorships or advertising in a non-mobile environment (the nature of the environment generally can be determined based on the operating system used to access the advertisement).

April, 2016
Education Section: 
Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines

The Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines have been developed by the membership of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the IAB (U.S.), and Media Rating Council (MRC) in close collaboration with the GSMA and other stakeholders. Contributors to these guidelines are representative of the key parties in the mobile marketing ecosystem, and include handset manufacturers, wireless operators, ad servers, content providers, agencies, brands and technology enablers.

April, 2016
Education Section: 
Mobile Viewable Impression Measurement Guidelines for Public Comment

The Mobile Viewable Advertising Impression Measurement Guidelines document that follows is intended to provide guidance for the measurement of viewable impressions in Mobile Web and Mobile In-Application (In-App) environments.

These viewability guidelines are designed for mobile (web and in-app) advertising. This document supersedes all previous MRC guidance on the measurement of viewable impressions of advertising that appears in mobile environments effective upon issuance and serves as permanent guidance (subject to periodic updates).

April, 2016
Education Section: 
Members Only
Location: The Ultimate in Contextual Marketing

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As the mobile phone has emerged as the single most personal means with which to communicate, the day’s speakers underscored that mobile as a marketing platform has to be equally personal, providing users with messaging that is meaningful, appropriate, relevant and contextual.

April, 2016
Education Section: 
March, 2016
File Size: 
885 KB
Education Section: 

The 2015 Yearbook is packed with all the insights and success tips that you have appreciated from MMA over the years: over 20 articles from expert practitioners across the board, country snapshots from across the region, profiles of the MMA leadership and membership,and comprehensive data sets. From trends and case studies to creative tips and marketing insights, this Yearbook has it all. The Yearbook is available for free download . Happy reading, and do share your feedback with us to make the fourth edition even better and in line with your markets and needs!

File Size: 
10 MB
Education Section: 
Aspirations for Mobile Marketing in 2016

The mobile landscape is set to grow even further in 2016. Nine Mobile Marketing Association's APAC Board Members from agencies and brands such as Facebook, Google, WPP, share their aspirations for mobile throughout 2016.

In this infographic, they have a common desire to achieve progress in measurement, drum up investments in leadership and technology, and increase mobile-led cross-platform campaigns.

March, 2016
Education Section: 
Members Only
Mobile Shopper Marketing and the Impact on the Path to Purchase

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Customers use their phones to manage almost everything in their lives — and that includes the way they shop. They expect brands to engage with them personally through their mobile devices — and these interactions drive their decisions in store. Retailers and brands that are slow to meet these customer needs might find themselves on the wrong side of the path to purchase.

Download the paper to understand the five questions brands need to successfully address to drive engagement of the mobile shopper.


February, 2016
Education Section: 
January, 2016
Education Section: 
Members Only
SMoX Report: Making Marketing Work Harder with Mobile

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There is no doubt that mobile presents the greatest transformation in consumer behavior that we will experience in our lifetimes. But what is its impact on business outcomes?

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) initiated an industry wide, never-before-executed, research program (SMoX) to address these critical questions and help marketers fully leverage mobile to both innovate and drive business growth.

January, 2016
Education Section: 
January, 2016
Education Section: 
January, 2016
Education Section: 
Mobile: The Great Connector - Volume 2

Bridging The Digital & Physical Worlds To Boost Your Marketing Effectiveness

In Volume 2 we explore how location data and context are coming together to enhance the entire marketing cycle. The way is clear for marketers to harness mobile — and the location context data and insights it offers —to build better audience profiles and bridge the digital and physical worlds. Let this e-book be your guide to architecting the strategies that will allow you to drive positive results for your company and great experiences for your existing and new customers.

February, 2016
Education Section: 
MMA Guidance Report: Mobile Native Advertising

This Guidance Report summarizes the work the MMA Mobile Native Advertising Committee has developed over the course of the past year. It includes the definitions, formats, research on effectiveness and then concludes that certain basic, best practices can go a long way towards improving the efficacy of all the MMA mobile native ad formats. MMA Mobile Native Advertising Committee members have collaborated to share their learnings on what makes a native ad fit in with a publisher’s environment, and yet stand out to a user.

December, 2015
Education Section: 
December, 2015
Education Section: 
December, 2015
Education Section: 