audience | MMA Global


Are you hearing about data quality more and more lately and wondering why it matters? A group of industry experts recently met to discuss the topic of data quality and why it matters now more than ever.

The panel was hosted by Eyeota and the panelists in this discussion were:

Affluent in Australia are seen travelling within the country to attend the Australian Open & F1 Grand Prix, according to the study released today by location intelligence company AdNear. The study analysed 4 events in Australia that were held last year: The Australian Open, T20 cricket match, Eminem Live Concert & the F1 Grand Prix. All the event venues show an increase in footfall compared to the regular days, but it is very interesting to see the analysis of the incremental count.

Australian Open saw 5x increase in footfall during the event, the highest amongst all other events, followed by the Eminem Concert which saw 4.5x footfall during the event. While the foot traffic increase in Australian Open came from males, the increase in the Eminem concert came from females that saw a 7x jump.

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Research Type(s): 

Data Platform Audience Monetization: Why it Fails