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Speaker Presentations

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021


MMA MOSTT Research Study: How Marketing Organizations Can Better Drive Growth 

11:05 AM - 11:35 AM ET

The MMA MOSTT initiative findings, recently published in the Harvard Business Review, show how modern marketing organizations create value. While there are many opportunities to create value, many organizations struggle to effectively realize their growth potential. In this session, Neil Morgan, Professor of Marketing, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University show how alignment between the chosen marketing value configuration and capabilities required to enable this is a strong growth driver, and discuss key barriers and solutions to achieving this in practice.

Dr. Neil Morgan, Professor of Marketing, Welch Family Professor in Business, Wisconsin School of Business
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Panel Discussion - Marketing Org Journey

11:35 AM - 12:05 PM ET

In this session, you will hear about the Marketing Org design journeys at two different organizations.  Hear what motivated the change, the different data elements used to inform their strategies, and the biggest surprises and challenges they encountered in their respective journeys.


Kevin Frisch, CMO, Dave
Jay Jaffin, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Blackhawk


Rebecca Messina, Former Global Chief Marketing Officer, Uber
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The Modern Marketing Capabilities Map

12:05 PM - 12:25 PM ET

Insights from a benchmark study of 650 firms conducted by MARCAPS that helps distinguish Winning Marketing from Lagging Marketing Organizations in terms of capabilities, organizational structure, marketing footprint, insourcing/outsourcing decisions and orientation. This session will guide attendees in understanding the role of these characteristics in driving firm and consumer growth. 

Dr. Sundar Bharadwaj, The Coca Cola Company Chair, Professor of Marketing, The University of Georgia, The Terry College of Business
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Cindy Grospitch
VP Global Event Partnerships
MMA Global
M: 860 519 8248
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