Agenda | MMA Global


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

9.15 AM – 9.30 AM

Pocket Show


9.30 AM – 9.40 AM

Abertura / Opening remarks


9.40 AM – 10.05 AM

O usuário, o motor da inovação / The user, engine of innovation

Gerente Geral Brasil
Global Chief Product Officer
In Partnership With:

10.05 AM – 10.30 AM

O futuro é ser relevante / The future is to be relevant

Gerente Geral Brasil
Diretora de Marketing Global
In Partnership With:

10.30 AM – 10.50 AM

High Tech & High Touch - o papel das relações humanas no ambiente de inovação / High tech & hogh touch - the role of human relations in the innovation environment

Chief Marketing Officer
Liv Up

10.50 AM – 11.10 AM

Globoplay: Inovação com foco em Growth / Globoplay: Innovation focused on Growth

Diretor de Produtos de Vídeo OTT
Rede Globo

11.10 AM – 11.30 AM

RankMyAPP e app Magalu: importância de uma estratégia de comunicação mobile recorrente e sazonal

Fundadora e CMO
Diretor de Marketing E-commerce
Magazine Luiza
In Partnership With:

11.30 AM – 12.00 PM

Redesenhando o futuro da comunicação / Redisigning the future of communications

Lew’Lara \TBWA
Diretora Executiva de Estratégia

12.00 PM – 12.05 PM

Encerramento / Final remarks

VP de Operações LATAM

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Warm Up


2:25 PM – 2:35 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Apertura / Openning

VP de Operações LATAM

2:35 PM – 3:00 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

En la nueva normalidad, afeitarse o depilarse es la pregunta

Founder & CEO
Vice Presidente de Marketing, Comunicación y Medios
In Partnership With:

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

La transformación digital de Walmart / Walmart digital transformation

Chief Growth Officer México y Centroamérica

3:20 PM – 3:40 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Equidad la nueva frontera/ Equity the next frontier

Global Vice President Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
In Partnership With:

3:40 PM – 4:05 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

MMA Modern Marketing Report Colombia

Client Solutions Director Colombia

4:05 PM – 4:35 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Branding vs. respuesta directa: como terminar la guerra para que todos ganen /Branding vs. direct response: how to end the war so everybody wins!

Marketing Keynote Speaker, Trainer & Advisor
Primal Brain

4:35 PM – 4:40 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Cierre / Final Remarks

Directora Hispanic Latam

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

9.15 AM – 9.30 AM

Pocket Show


9.30 AM – 9.40 AM

Abertura / Opening remarks

VP de Operações LATAM

9.40 AM – 10.05 AM

Pesquisa MMA Modern Marketing Report / Research MMA Modern Marketing Report

Diretor Comercial Brasil & LATAM

10.05 AM – 10.25 AM

Magazine Luiza equalizando a diferença / Magazine Luiza equalizing the difference

Partner & CEO
Diretora Executiva de Gestão de Pessoas
Magazine Luiza

10.25 AM – 10.50 AM

Relatório de tendências Culture Next / Culture Next Trends Report

VP of Sales for Exclusive Ad Partners
US Media
In Partnership With:

10.50 AM – 11.10 AM

Atravessando a revolução da privacidade / Going through the privacy revolution

Global Data Bank "GDB"

11.10 AM – 11.30 AM

Novo Normal, Novo Consumidor, Nova Comunicação

LinkedIn Top Voices e TEDxSpeaker, Comunicador Multiplataforma
Tawil Comunicação

11.30 AM – 12.00 PM

Como as pessoas evoluíram para disseminar cultura e conhecimento / How People Evolved to Spread Culture and Knowledge

CGO Global & Managing Director Brazil
Marketing Keynote Speaker, Trainer & Advisor
Primal Brain
In Partnership With:

12.00 PM – 12.05 PM

Encerramento / Final remarks

VP de Operações LATAM

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM

Warm Up


2:25 PM – 2:35 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Apertura / Opening remarks


2:35 PM – 3:00 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Datos, agilidad y resiliencia: cómo AB InBev ayudó a la sociedad y a los consumidores a prosperar durante la pandemia de COVID/ Data, Agility & Resilience: how AB InBev helped society and consumers to thrive during the COVID pandemic

Global Vice President, Data & Media
Anheuser-Busch InBev

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

El usuario, motor de innovación / The user, engine of innovation

Responsable de Latam
Global Chief Product Officer
In Partnership With:

3:25 PM – 3:50 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Reporte de tendencia Culture Next / Culture Next trends report

Director of Sales, South America
In Partnership With:

3:50 PM – 4:10 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

La Generación Snapchat y la historia de éxito de Unilever/ The Snapchat Generation and the Unilever Success Story

Head of Sales Partnerships - Latam
Brand Manager Skin Care
Unilever México
In Partnership With:

4:10 PM – 4:30 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Hands off Digital On: marketing for the new normal era

Chief Marketing & Digital Officer

4:30 PM – 4:35 PM (GMT – 3, Horario de Argentina)

Cierre / Final Remarks

Directora Hispanic Latam
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