Seda Teens )Unilever)
Company: Unilever
Brand: Seda )Sunsilk) Teens
Featured Technologies: WAP Development, mobile game, mobile content, mobile advertising
Unilever developed a new line of hair products for teenagers: Seda Teens. Their target, teen girls from 12 to 17, is an elusive one - the traditional media is increasingly ineffective when it comes to reaching out to this public.
A study was therefore made to better understand this target and find what would be the best way to communicate with them.
The study soon came to the conclusion that for these girls their mobile phones were a main part of their daily life and activities. It also identified Nokia as top of mind mobile brand.
A mobile strategy was then needed in order to bring Unilever close to their target, appealing to their daily mobile life, habits and tastes, on an essentially non-intrusive way.
Mobile social networks are potentially killer apps as they add mobility to an activity that's been turned essential to many. Contacting friends and be connected can happen whenever and wherever one wants. developed for Seda Teens a social network that could be accessed both on the fixed and mobile web.
When accessing the mobile community - the first branded mobile social network in Brazil - the girls could register themselves and update their profiles based on a series of questions involving their loves, hates and wants.
They could also browse through content specially produced for them, such as beauty and health tips, their horoscope and an area entitled Experts - where they could ask questons about different subjects related to hair and beauty, lifestyle, fashion and sex.
In order to build a basis for future actions, these girls would be contacted to assess their interest in receiving messages from the brand.
Mobile phone and branded mobile content
At the same time, to deepen the link of Seda Teens brand with mobile, Nokia was contacted by in order to evaluate how to work together with Unilever. As a result Unilever and Nokia launched together a phone targeted at teenagers: the Nokia 5200 Pink Seda Teens.
The phone received mobile content customized with Seda Teens themes: wallpapers, a ringtone from a popular boys band, the wake-up and shut-down screens, the icons.
A mobile game was developed based on the hugely popular Dance Revolution - the main game character was one of Seda Teens pin-ups.
The girls buying the phone would get a special code that they would use to grant them premium access to Seda Teens Mobile Social Network - receiving a badge that acknowledges the profile as a Nokia Seda Teens owner.
Mobile advertising
To generate traffic and communicate the mobile community - the most visible part of the campaign and the main indicator of the strategy success - a comprehensive mobile advertising plan was set-up.
Throughout three months, Seda Teens should be present in the maximum number of mobile screens in Brazil.
Seda Teens WAP banners were then placed in the mobile portals of the main operators in Brazil - Claro )America Movil); Vivo )Telefonica); TIM; Oi and Brasil Telecom - and in site. Nokia mobile phones received a Seda Teens icon placed in the Downloads folder )where this folder was available). The Nokia 5200 Seda Teens was shipped with its bookmarks pointing to the mobile community.
The mobile game, Dancing Star, was placed in Claro and Brasil Telecom as a free download.
After 2 months running, the campaign results rank Seda Teens as one of the most successful mobile strategies so far in the Brazilian market.
- The mobile advertising generated an average of 5% click-through rate.
- The mobile community received a total of 360.000 visits in the period, twice the number of visits to the website.
- The game was downloaded 11.000 times and the community has 20.000 registered users.
- The brand was reinforced by girls blogging about the phone and the community.