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In Attention study with Lumen, Dove’s campaign saw 3.5 times more attention on average with Teads relative to social media platforms 

Teads matched the leading video-sharing platform with the highest level of attention duration, according to Kantar cross-platform study

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Crear una conexión sólida con los consumidores, alineando el contenido con sus preferencias, puede parecer algo sencillo para lograr engagement. Sin embargo, es sorprendente la frecuencia con la que los anunciantes no logran dar en el blanco y pierden oportunidades para elevar la percepción de marca, incrementar el engagement y cultivar una imagen más auténtica.

The dynamic landscape of GenAI has been a subject of intrigue, anticipation, and speculation for many. As we stand at the cusp of a technological revolution, it becomes imperative to understand the perceptions, aspirations, and apprehensions surrounding this transformative technology. The MMA Global's comprehensive report, based on extensive surveys with over 100 companies, offers a timely snapshot of the state of GenAI as of July 2023.

August, 2023
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3.9 MB
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Originally published on Think with Google by Kristen O’Hara, June 2023.

We’re in the middle of a third paradigm shift. The first shift was the arrival of the internet, with its revolution in information and services. The second was the explosion of mobile computing, driven by the adoption of smartphones. And today, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) promise to deliver transformations that are even more profound, for both consumers and businesses.