How do I submit an entry?
All submissions MUST be submitted online via our Submission Tool. You can download a PDF version of the entry form
What is the eligibility period to submit a campaign?
If entering the SMARTIES X Program, campaigns submitted should be active in the marketplace between January 2018 – July 2019. For all regions and countries, the campaigns submitted should be active in the marketplace June 2018 – June 2019. Please refer to the Eligibility, Deadlines & Fees section for more information.
Can I submit in more than one award program?
Yes, you can submit in more than one award program. You can submit to SMARTIES X, a country, and a region. Please note discounts for submitting a single campaign in the SMARTIES X and North America programs. For discounts for all other programs, please go to the regional and country program pages.
What is the deadline to submit a campaign for The SMARTIES?
The Deadline to submit entries for SMARTIES X and North America is July 22, 2019. EMEA SMARTIES is July 15, 2019. The early bird pricing will expire on May 24, 2019. Extended deadline for X and North America is August 9; EMEA and United Kingdom is July 19, 2019. Please refer to LATAM and EMEA Country SMARTIES Programs for key dates and deadlines.
What are the entry categories this year?
A full list of categories is available
Are the categories the same for SMARTIES X, Regional, and Country?
Click here for
X and North America. Please refer to the Region and Country pages for these programs’ categories.
How much does it cost to enter?
The cost to enter varies based on
SMARTIES X, Region & Country. We also offer discounts for applying to
X and North America region. Some programs also offer discounts for members and for entering the same campaign in more than one category. Please refer to the Eligibility, Deadlines & Fees section for each program for more information.
Can I submit an entry in more than one category?
Yes, you can enter a single campaign in multiple categories. There is a discounted fee if you do so for the
SMARTIES X, North America and EMEA Programs. Please note fees are per submission.
Is there a limit to the number of submissions I can enter?
No, there is no limit to the number of submissions an organization may submit. You may submit a single campaign in multiple categories or submit several campaigns in a single category, however entrants are encouraged to customize the submission based on the category for which they enter.
May I include a video with my submission?
Yes, it is highly recommended that you do include a video with your submission. There will be an opportunity to upload additional content as part of the submission process; a third party must host all videos. Please
click here for more information.
How do I become a judge or pre-screener?
You may submit your interest in pre-screening or judging by sending an email to
[email protected]. Please include a brief biography. Our judges represent the leaders in the mobile marketing industry and come from wide array of companies and geographies, view our
2018 Jury Panel. The final jury is by invite only.
When will the shortlist be announced?
For X & North America, the shortlist will be announced publicly once judging is complete and the results are tallied (early September). Please refer to APAC, EMEA, & LATAM programs to see when their shortlist is announced.
When will winners be announced?
The SMARTIES Jury, for each program, will make the final selection of winners. If there are no suitable nominees, judges may decline to appoint a winner, for any category or geography, in any given year.
SMARTIES X and North America program 2019 winners will be recognized for excellence at our awards gala in November in Los Angeles, California.
Other region and country winners will be recognized at a separate event prior to or following the X & North America November Awards gala. Please refer to the region and country SMARTIES Program pages for additional information.
Where do I find information about past winners or finalists?
Information on past winners and finalists can be viewed here, for
2017, and
2018 winners.
Will my submission be made public?
The MMA reserves the right to use any/all content included with the submission for the purposes of research. Information used for research will be kept confidential. Those who win regional or global awards should anticipate having their submission published as part of an annual mobile marketing guide. Submitters should assume that MMA will use any/all content included in the winning submissions accordingly. If you wish to review content prior to publication, please indicate that on your submission form.
Who can I contact for more information?
Please direct all additional inquiries to
[email protected]. Please note that, as the submission deadline approaches, we receive a heavy volume of inquiries and may be delayed in responding.
What do winners receive?
Winners will receive a SMARTIES trophy recognizing their achievement. Attendees at our awards ceremony will receive their trophy on site. All others will be mailed to the address provided on your submission form. Only one SMARTIES trophy will be given to each winner, duplicate awards are available for purchase after the November gala. Contact
[email protected] for more information.