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mobile advertising

When you think about mobile, what are some of the things that come to mind? Fast, personal, ready, fun and connected are a few terms that come up. People think about mobile much differently than they do personal computers. How many times has someone almost bumped into you on the street as a result of their eyes being fixed on the screen in their hands? This is a familiar interaction in today’s device-obsessed contemporary culture.

AdTheorent, Inc., the first intelligent Real Time Bidding (RTB)-enabled mobile ad network, today announced the release of a white paper describing its patent-pending Real-Time Learning Machine™ (RTLM), the first real-time learning and predictive modeling platform developed specifically for mobile advertising. Authored by Dr. Saed Sayad, Chief Data Scientist for AdTheorent, the white paper – available at – details the key differentiators of AdTheorent’s RTLM, which learns in real-time, generates data-driven predictive models “on the fly” and predicts faster than any other data mining technology, yielding demonstrable results for AdTheorent’s mobile advertisers.

When picturing the average gamer, you wouldn’t be blamed if that image depicts a geeky college-aged male with the latest gaming console and the greatest mobile gadgets – loaded with every imaginable app – all but surgically attached.

That image, though classic, would be inaccurate.

Learn what an app marketer needs to know about the impact of the new iPhone 5, iOS 6 and updates to the App Store.

The iPhone 5 release has generated a lot of excitement, but despite all the press, many of the changes to the iOS ecosystem have not been covered in depth. Find out more about the changes to Apple's App Store and how you should advertise.

12:00 PM, September 26th