Key Highlights:
• Consumers in emerging markets are more likely to click
through to an ad-three out of the top five countries with the highest CTR are
emerging markets. Brazil leads the pack with an average CTR of 2.58%, while
China trails close behind at 2.4%. Italy comes in third at 2.18%, while Russia
places fourth at 1.88%.
• Despite the popularity of the Galaxy S3, which was
released at the end of May, the iPhone 5, released in mid-September, was able
to match impression share by the end of November.
• Android lost significant market share in 2012 - with an
average of 37% market share compared to 53% in 2011. At the end of 2012, iOS
held a 63% average share of the market.
• The iPad Mini saw more total impressions in November
than the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 did in the entire year - 20x more impressions.
• The category that saw the highest growth in impressions
between January and the end of November was Photography - impressions served on
photography apps grew 289.7%.
• Throughout the year, Wi-Fi impressions consistently
beat out carrier impressions by a margin of 3:1. This behavior may indicate a
surge in tablet usage which tends to take place at home or work where Wi-Fi is
more available.
• AT&T takes a huge chunk of impression share in the
U.S. - almost twice the share of Verizon and more than four times the share of