The Mobile Messaging Opportunity | MMA Global

The Mobile Messaging Opportunity

Learn how measuring the effectiveness of mobile messaging is critical to maximize mobile audience retention and engagement.
Download your free copy of The Mobile Messaging Opportunity by OtherLevels and discover three mobile measurement techniques that will help you fully unlock your mobile app’s full marketing potential:

     1. Action Analytics Measurement
     2. A/B Split Testing
     3. Message Retargeting

Insights include:
    + A close look at the types of mobile messaging marketers are using today
    + A case study illustrating how a popular parenting app lifted message response by 200%-300%
    + Predictions about how mobile marketing and analytics will evolve in the near future

Until now, marketers targeting customers on this fiercely personal communication channel have had limited options for gauging message impact and, when necessary, reworking messages to deliver the maximum potential return on investment.