MMA Forum Brazil | MMA Global

MMA Forum Brazil

We are the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) LATAM and we are building a stronger mobile market in Latin America. Check it out for our exclusive event “Mobile Transformation”that will take place in São Paulo, Brazil next September 2nd 2015.

We will gather several market leaders and associates from the industry to discuss the transformation of mobile in Latin America. We have built a dynamic and educational full-day event with participation of Brazilian and international speakers from the digital and mobile marketing space.

Throughout our “Mobile Transformation”, we will host several tracks featuring brands, agencies, entrepreneurs, technology enablers, publishers and other participants that will share their perspectives and experiences; focusing on key trends, successful stories, learnings, challenges and the transformational role mobile has been playing in our society.


Session topics from industry leaders on how mobile is building closer connections to consumers.


Speakers and panelists include industry heavyweights from leading brands and technology enablers.


Relax and enjoy upscale accommodations.


These events sell out fast. Secure your seat today.

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