Mobile Video A Huge Opportunity for Brand Engagement | MMA Global

Mobile Video A Huge Opportunity for Brand Engagement

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 2:00pm EST

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The surge of video on mobile platforms is driving behavioral changes in consumers. In an era of video everywhere thanks to smartphones and tablets, businesses must grasp the potentially monumental difference in how consumers are motivated. This important webinar will answer the most important questions: What behavioral shifts are occurring? Who is driving these shifts? What tactics are most successful? What are the major content trends in video? It will also reveal key usage trends, the latest research validating the ad effectiveness of mobile video and how mobile video is improving ROI for major brands. Mobile video presents a growth opportunity for publishers and advertisers, so don’t miss this opportunity to understand what it means for you.

Vice President, Mobile
Chief Executive Officer
SVP Corporate Development at Fox Networks Group and Co-Manager
Dyle TV
Chief Executive Officer and Partner
Acta Wireless
Vice President of Video Products
CNN Digital
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