Thijs Remie | MMA Global

Thijs Remie

Thijs Remie
Digital Strategist

Thijs is currently leading the development of data-driven digital marketing strategies for local and global brands as “Digital Strategist” at Pervorm in Ho Chi Minh City. Formerly working at Pervorm’s Amsterdam office for 4 years, where he was instrumental in the success of the digital agency as digital marketing expert, which led to rapid growth of the company and expansion to Vietnam in January 2017.

His expertise and the agency’s excellence in performance marketing were quickly recognized in Vietnam and honored with 7 awards during their first 15 months in the market, including 2 MMA APAC Smarties awards in Programmatic (Gold) and Lead Generation (Silver); 1 MMA Vietnam Smarties award in Programmatic (Gold); 3 out of 4 awards at the Google Performance Honor Awards and 1 Kenshoo Infinity Award in the Performance Marketing category.