Mobile Non-Subscribers Not Concerned With Health Risks, Privacy (Provided by Nielsen) | MMA Global

Mobile Non-Subscribers Not Concerned With Health Risks, Privacy (Provided by Nielsen)

Research from the Nielsen Company shows that health risks and privacy concerns were trumped by price and convenience as the top motivators to subscribe to a cell phone service. The findings come from Nielsen's quarterly Mobile Insights survey, which measures the attitudes and behaviors of both wireless subscribers and non-subscribers. 42% of mobile non-subscribers would be more inclined to join a cell phone service if prices were lowered, and 23% would be motivated by simpler calling plans and phone options. Surprisingly, recent studies on possible health threats related to mobile phones were not a factor, with just 8% citing lower health and safety risks as a motivator. Concerns related to identity theft and privacy were also low on the list, with 9% of non-subscribers motivated by lower risks of fraud.

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