MMA Impact Forum London | MMA Global

MMA Impact Forum London

Shape the Future

Because the future of mobile defines the future of business.

Forget disruption…it’s time for transformation.
Trans’’tion – n. - the act, process, or instance of changing in character or condition.”


Mobile isn’t just a marketing channel it’s how people live their lives.

It’s transforming businesses across all sectors, automotive, consumer electronics, finance, fmcg, health & beauty, pharma, mcommerce, mobile first, retail, travel to name but a few.

Transformation requires looking to the future, not just thinking about the now, and establishing a vision and strategy to get there...

MMA Impact Forum London 2018 is the event to help you and your teams Shape the Future you want to create.

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Session topics from industry leaders on how mobile is building closer connections to consumers.


Speakers and panelists include industry heavyweights from leading brands and technology enablers.


Relax and enjoy upscale accommodations.


These events sell out fast. Secure your seat today.

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