How Big is the Mobile Marketing Opportunity? | MMA Global

How Big is the Mobile Marketing Opportunity?

September, 2014
Education Section: 
Current predictions of mobile advertising’s meteoric rise are themselves too conservative - underestimating the size and growth of the mobile ad spend opportunity.
Early MMA research results on the ROI of mobile and its optimized spend in the mix suggest that it should be more than 2X the current aggregate estimates for 2014. If marketers can follow their heads and optimize their full cross-channel media budgets properly, within a decade mobile ad publishers will be serving a $70B mobile ad spend market in the U.S. alone, and nearly $220B worldwide.
For individual marketers, this media channel’s disruptive impact will yield winners and losers, in much the same way that the discontinuities of digital display did before.
At the expense of mobile laggards, marketing executives who choose to lead and move first to optimize mobile advertising spend will open a competitive advantage: tangible share shift, and – for the largest advertisers – hundreds of millions of dollars of additional annual revenue, with billion dollar incremental market cap implications. All without spending another advertising dollar.

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