Bridging The Physical & Digital Worlds To Boost Your Marketing Effectiveness
The MMA UK’s white paper provides the most recent thought leadership narrative on how mobile acts as the great connector that bridges the digital and physical worlds and paves the way for new marketing approaches for brands and marketers to influence and engage consumers throughout their waking lives. As a unique channel - personal, portable and pedestrian - this paper highlights the benefits enjoyed and opportunities that can arise when mobile is placed at the heart of the marketing mix, including how to extend reach, loyalty and revenues through effective mobile engagement.
Ignore mobile at your peril or get busy with creative and innovative campaigns that ensure your brand and business is well placed to converse with your audience in the new mobile digital age. With ample case study material, insights from industry experts and the most recent market data, this white paper provides an indispensible source of reference for business leaders to understand the importance of mobile as a marketing channel.
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