July 28, 2008
Solow.com Text-to-Phone Case Study )RH Brands)
SendMe Mobile, a premier mobile media company, partnered with RH Brands to drive consumer subscriptions to their mobile sweepstakes game, Solow. RH Brands and SendMe worked together to create a mix of mobile and in-call promotions using unique prizing and calls-to-action, allowing users to opt-in when they hear the promotion on their mobile phones.
Campaign Goal
To enroll a maximum number of callers in the Solow Elite membership, allowing members to play for prizes on their mobile phones.
Using a combination of in-call audio advertisements on the RH Brands network of humor hotlines and SMS distribution to RH Brands mobile fans, RH Brands promoted the Solow game using a Las Vegas get-away prize promotion.
RH Brands Mobile Fan Club members received a text message promoting a new RH humor hotline. This SMS message included a mention of the prize:
NEW Humor Hotline: Call 772-257-4481 to hear what the TOOTH FAIRY is really all about! )Chance to win Vegas Trip at end!) From RejectionHotline.com
When message recipients called the phone number )in the case, we used the ‘Call the Tooth Fairy’ hotlines), the in-call audio advertisement prompted those interested to press star to receive a text message from Solow, thereby initiating the double opt-in sequence.
Given that RH fans had received a text message ‘teasing’ the Vegas promotion, callers to the ‘Call the Tooth Fairy’ lines signed up for the offer at a rate 5-times higher than the normal sign-up rate with audio ad promotion only )no text message teaser), generating an effective CPM of over $121. Daily effective CPMs reached as high as $168.
Campaign Dates
May 23 - 28, 2008
Text Messages Sent
Calls to RH's ‘Call the Tooth Fairy’ hotline
Revenue Generated through Acquisitions
$ 2,752.09
Effective CPM
$ 121.74