September 25, 2008
Skol Beats )pontomobi interactive) :p>
Background: :p>
To the 2008 Skol Beats Festival, Pontomobi Interactive created an interactive mechanism in which the public “build” the event through the interactive elections, that decided the National DJ’s, Internacional DJ’s, VJ’s, date, place, time and social projects. :p>
Goals: :p>
Every year, Skol, the most popular beer of INBEV in Brazil, makes the Skol Beats event, considered the biggest one dedicated to Eletronic Music in the country .Considering the public attending to the event )teenagers) and the main media ad )the radio), the ideia was to develop a mechanism that could be available in a mobile platoform accessible at any moment and any place, in this case the cellphone. :p>
Solutions. :p>
Pontomobi Interactive created a Mobile Site 2.0 to the event where, fortnightly new themes were released for voting. :p>
In the mobile site user was allowed to access all the available items to the election, and choose the most interesting ones. :p>
Before voting, people could access the contents of each category :p>
Results: :p>
In the end, the biggest event E-Music event in the country was “built” by cellphones.