September 11, 2006

Case Study: McDonald’s Selects Enpocket to Drive Late-Night Store Traffic
The food service giant rolled out a direct response marketing campaign aimed at driving localized retail traffic during the traditionally slower late evenings with a series of weekly mobile coupons for late-night offers.
McDonald’s was looking for a new way to drive late night store sales, positioning the company as a late night alternative. They also wanted to test the effectiveness of mobile coupons.
Enpocket worked with Media Planning Group to launch a mobile couponing campaign promoting McDonald’s late night deals in the New York metropolitan area. The offers were also featured on the McDonald’s Late Night Lounge website. In addition, the campaign was supported by mobile advertising banners running across several popular mobile Internet sites, where consumers are targeted by age and location.
Click rates for the campaign were more than double the industry average. The program received hundreds of opt-ins during the first week and opt-in growth continued throughout the length of the program.
“McDonald’s is always looking for innovative ways to interact with our customers in a way that will create relationships that build brand loyalty. Targeting our customers with special offers when they are mobile is very powerful for McDonald’s. Having customers interact with our brand on their most personal device is one of the most effective ways to not only engage the consumer but also provide an almost immediate call to action.”<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
- Ken Ebo, Marketing Director of McDonald’s.