April 29, 2007

Brand: Lipton Ice Tea
Agency: Aerodeon Turkey
Duration: 01.04.2007 – 30.04.2007
GOAL: Increasing the sales of Lipton Ice Tea in McDonald’s restaurants, while underlining the dynamic and refreshing feature of the product.
SOLUTION: During the campaign period, along with Lipton Ice Tea menu purchases, the customers are given scratch cards with a unique code on. Participants, who text the unique code to Turkcell 3161 with their names, instantly win 5 sponsored messages from Lipton Ice Tea. Besides, every day, every first participant between the hours 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., wins iPod shuffle.
RESULT: Compared to the previous two campaigns that were implemented in McDonald’s restaurants, this year’s campaign succeeded twice better, due to instant win prizes.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />