Google: After Baines & Ernst moved from a separate mobile site to a responsive web design, mobile conversions leapt 51% | MMA Global

Google: After Baines & Ernst moved from a separate mobile site to a responsive web design, mobile conversions leapt 51%

August 28, 2013

Baines & Ernst Responsive Site

• Deliver a consistent user experience across all devices
• Enable potential customers to find the right information on any screen size
• Drive conversions, measured as enquiries
• Initiated mobile marketing
• Conducted user research and derived insights from Google Analytics
• Replaced existing sites with new website built using responsive web design (RWD)
• Following launch of RWD site, pages per mobile visit grew 11%
• Average visit duration on mobile increased 30%
• Mobile bounce rate decreased by 8%
• Mobile conversions increased 51%
“Our main focus was to deliver a consistent user experience across all the devices so our potential customers can find the right information on any screen.”
— Imran Khan, Head of Online, Baines & Ernst