January 16, 2006
Logos: See attached Kikucall and Dos Equis logos<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Brand: Dos Equis
Company: Kikucall and Alcone Promotion
Dos Equis wanted to interact with consumers at a series of live events supporting the “Dos Equis Mysterious Nights” promotion. The fall promotion asked consumers to solve the mystery of the missing Xs from the Dos Equis logo for a chance to win $20,000. A series of Mysterious Nights events were executed in eight U.S. markets to promote the online Dos Equis mystery.
Dos Equis’ promotions agency, Alcone Promotion, contacted to Kikucall to craft a campaign to boost participation in the online promotion by integrating wireless into a series of Mysterious Nights events.
In order to achieve the client’s goal, Kikucall designed a mobile application that allowed consumers to interact with each other and Dos Equis via text messaging on site at the promotional events. The Dos Equis Mysterious Nights Text program was executed by Dos Equis Brand Ambassadors on site at the events.
§ The program askd consumers to send a text message to Dos Equis with a note to someone in the bar. The consumer’s text message was then displayed on screen at the event in real-time.
§ After receiving each text message, Dos Equis sent a response SMS to the consumer, thanking him for his participation, and driving him to the Dos Equis website to participate in the Mysterious Nights promotion.
§ During the promotion, events occurred simultaneously in multiple markets. To ensure that the right messages reached the right event teams, Kikucall developed an application that routed each consumer message to the appropriate Brand Ambassador via SMS. The consumer message also appeared on a Kikucall-designed web interface that Brand Ambassadors projected on screen in real-time at each event.
Kikucall successfully delivered a total of 2,085 SMS messages during 67 Dos Equis Mysterious Nights events. Participation was high at each event, and a steady flow of text messages were projected on screen. In the first three weeks of the program, 2,858 consumers visited the Dos Equis website to participate in the Mysterious Nights promotion. Visitors spent a total of 1,331 hours, 20 minutes, and 28 seconds trying to solve the mystery of the missing Xs from the Dos Equis logo.