Sutanto Hartono | MMA Global

Sutanto Hartono

Sutanto Hartono
Managing Director of Emtek, and CEO of SCM

Hartono currently serves as the Managing Director of PT. Elang Mahkota Teknologi (EMTEK), Tbk. the CEO of Surya Citra Media (SCM) , Tbk. and the CEO of Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV). He is leading the effort to establish SCM leadership in the broadcast industry and aligning strategy to transform the EMTEK group to be the dominant player in the content production and digital platform. Some of EMTEK porfolios include Bukalapak, Dana,,,,,,, and EMC Hospitals.

He joined Microsoft from another Indonesia’s television broadcasting network - Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) - where he served as the CEO.

Prior to RCTI, Sutanto established Sony Music Entertainment in Indonesia, then becoming the Senior Vice President for South East Asia. He was also a Senior Associate at Booz Allen & Hamilton, South East Asia. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana with a Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, and from the University of California, Berkeley, with an MBA in Marketing and Finance.