Rohan Mahajan | MMA Global

Rohan Mahajan

Rohan Mahajan
Chief Operating Officer (Media Services)
Omnicom Media Group

As COO Media Services, Rohan overlook a network of OmnicomMediaGroup media agencies OMD, PHD, H&S, Transact, Annalect that are growing at a rapid pace in the market and collectively anchor above 300 people as staff strength in Jakarta Indonesia office. Driven by his passion for technology and a qualified technical hand with his degree in Engineering, Rohan started his career in consulting with focus on digital media. Over the years, he combined his digital expertise with his account servicing skills to deliver relevant, effective, and innovative hybrid business solutions for clients. Thanks to his business acumen and innate commercial strength, which continuously allowed him to create value for OmnicomMediaGroup Indonesia clients and help them grow their business, he successfully transitioned from client to agency leadership.

2024 OmnicomMediaGroup Indonesia solidified its position ranking No 2 Agency Media Network in Indonesia as per RECMA’S 2023 Q1 network diagnostics report.