Ricardo has 30 years of experience in the market intelligence industry, accumulated after studying the Bachelor's degree in Actuarial Sciences and an Executive Diploma in Applied Statistics at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
He currently heads GfK in Mexico, a leading company focused on turning market and user experience research in smart business decisions. During most of his professional career he has been working in leading positions at multinational companies in the field of market intelligence.
Ricardo plays an active role in the industry through the Mexican Association of Market Intelligence and Public Opinion (AMAI), acting as President during the 2008-2010 and for several years as a member of the Board of Directors. He has also participated in the Council of different groups related to the world of marketing such as IAB or Effie Awards.
Convinced that the world is constantly changing and that continuous innovation is essential to face the future, in 2018 he got the Certification in Creative Leadership and Facilitation for Innovation, at the Center for Certification in Creativity, validated by the International Center for Studies in Creativity of The State University of New York, Buffalo State.
In his obsession to understand where the world will move with the imminent digital proliferation, Ricardo has become apprentice of twitterer under the alias @Bar_Rueta.