An established Market Research expert and a known face amongst Asian clients, Rajiv Lamba holds an invaluable accumulative experience of 18 years in the field of market research spanning across the various section segment and with proven records of building ‘Quality Leaders for Tomorrow’
He founded Neurosensum in 2018 which led to an impressive transformation in the world of market research by combining conventional methods with Neuro-based approach.
In 2019, with an intent of making marketing research real-time, accessible and affordable, he also launched an AI-Enabled Customer Experience Survey Platform called SurveySensum that analyzes customer feedback and any unstructured data in real-time manner, enabling enterprises to get meaningful insights at an affordable price in no time.
Rajiv has pioneered the use of Neuroscience and Artificial intelligence for consumer research in Asia and continues to empower innovative solutions to create customer-centric mindfulness.