Le Thao Trang | MMA Global

Le Thao Trang

Le Thao Trang

Ms. Trang is in charge of Marketing for the retail branch of Thegioigidong Group, which includes Dien may xanh, Bachhoaxanh and Vuivui.com. Trang has over 15 years of marketing experience working for SFone mobile network where she brought the first CDMA network to Vietnam, organized the largest branding campaigns, initiated the trend of marketing and building the trademark of the large mobile network at that time (Campaigns of SFone: Nghe là thấy / Forever Couple / Bi Rain Concert in Vietnam).
Currently, Trang manages the marketing for the renown retail chain, The Gioi Di Dong, with 2 main roles. Her first role is to continue the remarkable growth of Thegioididong, which covered  63 provinces in 2 years, and build Thegioididong to be the top of the mind retail chains for mobile phones. The second is to lead campaign branding for the Dienmayxanh chains since 2016 and making it the icon of creativity in its first-year launch (After launching, the advertising of Dienmayanh ranked second in the standings of Asia YouTube). Since its launch, Dienmayxanh is the most searched brand on Google remaining in the top 10 every month in Brand Vietnam ranking.