Konstantin Matthies | MMA Global

Konstantin Matthies

Konstantin Matthies
Microeconomics Expert and Engagement Manager

Konstantin is a Microeconomics Expert and Engagement Manager with AlphaBeta’s Singapore office. AlphaBeta helps clients to identify the forces shaping their markets and develop practical plans to create prosperity and wellbeing. Konstantin is a trained microeconomist and  conomic theorist working on disruptive technologies, digital economies, digital financial inclusion and smart and sustainable urbanisation. Konstantin also heads AlphaBeta’s Data IP on sub-regional economic activity and forecasting in ASEAN.

Konstantin previously worked with the international Insitute for Strategic Studies (IISS Asia) in Singapore on economic development of energy markets and energy policy in Asia. He holds a PhD and MPhil from the University of Cambridge as well as a BSc from UCL. During his PhD he worked extensively on both theore'cal and applied topics as well as behavioural and experimental economics, with a focus on applying economic analysis to fields some'mes considered beyond the realm of economics, such as digital technologies or epidemiology. About AlphaBeta AlphaBeta is a strategy  dvisory business serving clients across Australia and Asia from offices in Singapore and Sydney. AlphaBeta’s team of advisors are experts in both strategy and economics who partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors to iden'fy the forces shaping their markets and develop prac'cal plans to create prosperity and wellbeing