Gonzalo Gárate | MMA Global

Gonzalo Gárate

Gonzalo Gárate
Vocal, MMA Spain

Gonzalo its a connossieur of the advertisement world, he has more than 15 years of experience, during this years he has worked for several agencies and clients.

His path in online advertisement started in 2005, when he digitalized the services of Ara Publicidad, and agency founded in 1974 which until 2005 only provided off-line services.

In 2011, Gonzalo co-funded the digital media agency Mediacore, where he is New Technologies and Operations Director. From this position he applied to his clients´ digital strategy, the most robust digital tools in the market, from programatic buying to big data projects.

In 2012 he is co-funded of Playar, an Augmented Reality platform focussed on marketing and advertisement, later acquired by Blippar, the World´s leading augmented reality platform, of which Gonzalo is Partner for Spain.

During his professional career, Gonzalo has worked with big clients such as Vodafone, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Movistar, Bosch, Fox, Renault, L’Óreal, Amex, Catalana Occidenete, GSK, Casa Tarradellas, Vitaldent, Avis, CEF, Juegging and Instituto de Empresa.