Akhil Sethi | MMA Global

Akhil Sethi

Akhil Sethi
Digital Marketing Head
Harman India (Lifestyle Consumer Audio)

After doing his MBA in Marketing, Akhil started his career with social media more than 14 years back. And, after learning the so-called nuances of social media, he thought why not learn all traits of digital marketing. Hence, the mind of this curious marketing student took him to his next stint where he learnt - client servicing, account management & media planning / buying, digital strategy and thereby helped some of the biggest brands to achieve their marketing objectives. After that, he thought why not apply all these skills as well as knowledge to help a brand, hence he's doing what he initially envisioned.

Apart from this, he also takes out time from his so-called busy schedule to play Cricket, do a bit of blogging and read about digital & non-digital things here & there. Feel free to invite him on any given Sunday for a Cricket match around NCR. Bet, you won't regret!